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Jul 26, 2020
Slow Your Roll
Series: General
  • Jul 26, 2020Slow Your Roll
    Jul 26, 2020
    Slow Your Roll
    Series: General

    Numbers 32:1-18, 13:26-14:4; Hebrews 10: 35; Proverbs 25:8; Jeremiah 29:11
    - When we get close to the promise of God, disruptions come.
    - Most disciplined, close to the promise.
    - When we get close to the promise, be even more diligent- the enemy always comes back.
    - If it's in your view, don't put down your spiritual guard.
    - Discouragement is contagious. Discouragement is easier than encouragement.
    - When we look at our situation through the lens of ourselves, we are going to come up small and short.
    - We are more inclined to believe the bad than believe the good.
    - We must not let our spirit gets discouraged, because discouragement leads us to say foolish things.
    - Many of us live on the edge of discouragement in spite of being a child of God.
    - We can be disappointed and not be discouraged if we come in from the border.
    - Expectation has reward. Confidence.
    - We need to declare to the enemy that the buttons that he has been pushing are out of order.
    - We jump to conclusions based on what we perceive things to be.
    - We cannot discard the things that we have gone through,
    - Don't jump to a conclusion there might be a perfectly good explanation to what you just saw.
    - Some things don't work out the way we want, but all things work together for the good.

  • Jul 22, 2020Do We Really Trust God?
    Jul 22, 2020
    Do We Really Trust God?
    Series: Bible Study

    Exodus 16:3-3,14-21; Proverbs 25:2; Numbers 11:4-6; Psalm 106:14-15; Matthew 6:9-11; John 6:25-35
    - God will test our faith by presenting us with an obedience issue.
    - It's not what we have, it's whether or not we are following God in it.
    - The only way we get God's results, is doing things God's way.
    - Even if something makes sense, if God does not say do it, we should not do it.
    - It's not about figuring it out, it's about searching it out.
    - The desire to have our flesh satisfied will override our obedience.
    - We completely overlook the things we have and complain about what we don't have.
    - There is a part of us that doesn't want to depend on anyone.
    - We will be satisfied if we stop trying to put our hands to work and trust God.
    - We will make better decisions if we trust God.
    - Tomorrow really doesn't exist. We only have today.

  • Jul 19, 2020Divine Restoration
    Jul 19, 2020
    Divine Restoration
    Series: General

    2 Kings 8:1-6, 4:8-10,22-26; Psalm 114:15, 51:12; 2 Chronicles 20:20; Jeremiah 1:17; Zechariah 9:12; 1 Peter 5:10
    - Can, ability. May, permission,
    - In a time when loss is all around us, God wants us to know the story is not over.
    - There is no honor in being great financially, if you are not generous.
    - When faced with the death of her son, the Shunammite woman declared, it is well.  She was a woman of great faith.
    -God wants to increase us more and more.
    - Do we perceive our leaders as "people" of God? A man of God. A woman of God. Elisha was perceived as a man of God and the woman prospered.  Believe His prophets and you will prosper.
    - When we have a problem we need to go to the King.
    - God is a God who can restore everything.
    - God restored double unto Job, and double unto Zechariah. He’s doing that even today.
    - We must continue to be hopeful.
    - After we have suffered a little while, God will restore us.
    - Ask God for revelation.

  • Jul 15, 2020God Is Ready To Work
    Jul 15, 2020
    God Is Ready To Work
    Series: Bible Study

    John 14:9-10,1:19-21,15:5,7; Deuteronomy 18:9-19; Psalm 138:2,103:20

    - The Father does the work.
    - Don't take credit for what God does through you.
    - If we want God to keep us in line, hide His word in your heart. But only the spoken Word will get God to work.
    - God does the work through the words He put in Jesus mouth.
    - We return God's Word to Him, simply by speaking it in faith.
    - We declare the thing, and it will be established. By God.
    - When we say something that God says we give voice to His word and the angels go to work.
  • Jul 12, 2020Follow His Lead
    Jul 12, 2020
    Follow His Lead
    Series: General

    Luke 8:51-56; 9:11-15; Matthew 9:5-6, 11:28-30; Acts 9:36-42

    - God hears your silent cry.
    - We convince ourselves that loud and long represent power.
    - If we go into a service and all we come away with is being impressed by the preacher, then that service has done us a disservice.
    - We need to come before God broken, so the glory of God can be seen.
    - Jesus is going to dos omething.
    - Jesus did not use a lot of words to perform the miracles He did.
    - Two little words from Jesus can make our spirt come again.
    - When we arise we change our position.
    - If we are in the right position we can speak quietly and briefly and yet have power.
    - Arise, come into being.  To move upward, to ascend.
    - Jesus is calling us to walk, work and watch.
    - Walk with Him, stay in agreement with Him.
    - Walk with Him, cooperate with Him, do what He tells us to do.
    - Watch how He does it.  Follow the lead of Christ.
    - Learn. Watch to learn.
    - If we are impressing man, we are failing him.
    - Peter did what Jesus did when he put the people out and spoke what Jesus said.
    - Peter is an example of walking with, working with and watching Jesus. He learned and walked with the power Jesus did.


  • Jul 8, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 7)
    Jul 8, 2020
    Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 7)
    Series: Bible Study
    Getting out of Your Flesh
    John 20:24-29; 2 Corinthians 4:13; Hebrews 11:1,10:19-23; Jeremiah 14:9; Job 3:10; Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:8
    - Believers don't operate by believing and seeing. We operate by seeing and speaking.
    - Believers are to look at the not seen things.
    - So much of faith is based on what we don't see.
    - We have to avoid operating by our feelings.
    - Feelings have a place, but we have to keep them in their place.
    - God gave us our feelings, but we are not to be led by them or live according to our feelings.
    - Feelings should not have supremacy over our faith.
  • Jul 5, 2020Be Free
    Jul 5, 2020
    Be Free
    Series: General
    John 8:31-36, 12:27, 4:1; Romans 6:18,22, Galatians 5:1; Mark 5:34; Proverbs 4:23; Isaiah 26:3-4; Philippians 4:6
    - Bondage is not just about slavery, but it's thinking like a slave.
    - Jesus as the Truth, makes us free.
    - Freedom is liberation from slavery, or from the power of another.
    - Free from sin, guilt and shame.
    - God does not free us from, He frees us to.
    - Jesus made us free, me have to go and be free.
    - Peace should not come and go based on your circumstances.
    - Jesus gives us peace and our responsibility is to not let your heart be troubled.
  • Jul 2, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 6)
    Jul 2, 2020
    Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 6)
    Series: Bible Study
    James 1:2-4; Hebrews 11; Romans 5:3-5; Proverbs 24:10; Job 23:10, 42:5
    - We need to learn how to allow adversity to strengthen our faith.
    - It's not the testing only that brings the patience, it's how you take the test.
    - Adversity is a revealer. It reveals where we are in faith.
    - God uses adversity to accomplish His will.
    - Many times adversity will drive us back to the will of God.
    - He also uses it to develop the character of Christ.
    - Suffering precedes the resurrection.
    - Adversity is God's way of getting our attention.
    - Adversity encourages us to lean on God's strength.
    - Adversity purifies our faith.
    - Adversity points us towards God.
    - We will keep our integrity if we allow adversity to teach us.
    - If we take adversity the right way, it will cause us to see God.
    - Adversity is not here to destroy us - it's here to build us up.
    - "Lord, do not let the pain I am going through be wasted."
  • Jun 28, 2020A Rude Awakening
    Jun 28, 2020
    A Rude Awakening
    Series: General

    Judges 6:25-30
    - God is handing out faith and commitment test to the Body of Christ.
    - Gideon's test was to pull down the altars of the false god.
    - God's people were worshipping a bull, strong and might, associated with prostitution. Baal.  Asherah, Baal's mistress, sexuality, male prostitution.
    - Anything that is trying to replace God has to be pulled down, torn down and cut down before change
    can be made.
    - People know that things need to be changed, but don't know God is the author of that change.
    - We may have to pull down the altars of others in our lives.
    - We carefully prepare and do things for God.  God has already told you what He wants to do in you and through you in the earth.
    - What is God calling you to get rid of?   Those things have to get out of the way first.
    - People of God wanted to kill Gideon because he pulled down the altars of Baal.
    - The thing that God is calling us to do to please Him are going to inflame the passions of men.

  • Jun 24, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 5)
    Jun 24, 2020
    Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 5)
    Series: Bible Study

    "What Happens When Our Mountains Don't Move"
    Mark 11:20-26; Hebrews 12
    -If mountains aren't moving, we need to ask ourselves the question, are we having faith? Are we walking in love? Faith works by love.
    - Do we have doubt? We have to guard our hearts against the infiltration of doubt.
    - Many times our mountains aren't moving is because we are not speaking to it.
    - Once we say something we need to believe what we say.
    - Once we believe a thing, that thing becomes settled in us
    - We need to acknowledge the sin that is in our life.
    - We need to acknowledge that God's will is sovereign.
    - Could be that God has something better for us that we are not ready to receive.
    - We need to remember the importance of persistence. Keep praying.  Faith looks funny.
    - Keep trusting God. Absolute confidence that God will not fail
    - Ask God to open our eyes.
    - Stay thankful. A thankful spirit and an open heart leaves you open to receive from God at any moment.
    - Don't despair.
    - Resistance always makes us stronger.