- Sep 3, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 3) “Quench Not the Spirit – Part 2″
Sep 3, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 3) “Quench Not the Spirit – Part 2″Series: Bible Study
1 Thessalonians 5:19; 1 Kings 19:12; Ephesians 4:30, 5:18; Galatians 5:17-18; Romans 7:14-25; James 4:7; Hebrews 11:24-25; Romans 8:1-2,5-6
- If we allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit, we will not grieve it.
- If we allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit, we don't have to worry about do's and dont's.
- Becoming a Christian does not remove sin and temptation from our lives.
- Becoming Christ-like is a walk of faith that is exercised over the course of a lifetime.
- Becoming a Christian is an act of faith in a moment.
- The order is important in submission.
- If we are going to resist the devil, we need the Holy Spirit.
- If we are going to resist the allure of sin, we need the Holy Spirit.
- We are only tempted by the things we like.
- Temptation only comes in the area that is enticing to us.
- We must not do things to excess.
- when we follow after the Spirit, our walk is upright-kingly. Our talk is edifying. And we see things.
- Being filled with the Holy Ghost is not how much of the Holy Ghost we have, it is how much the Holy Ghost has us. - Aug 30, 2020Staying Focused In These Times
Aug 30, 2020Staying Focused In These TimesSeries: General
Psalm 34:4-7, 112:4-5,7; 1 Corinthians 6:12, 10:23; 2 Corinthians 4:8-12
- Some of the things that we are choosing to do are designed to take us off of our course.
- The enemy has been setting up distractions from the beginning - he wants us to satisfy our desires instead of staying focused.
- The enemy is always trying to divert us from our course.
- All diversions are not evil, but can yet be diversions, and yet present a need for us to be mindful.
- We have to be aware of whether or not the activity is building us up.
- We must examine our lawful activities to see if they are diversions.
- Keeping our mind on God is better than staying away from problems.
- Are our diversions going to deliver us from our problems?
- We can be troubled on every side, but we don't have to be stressed.
- We have to maintain our connection to Jesus. - Aug 26, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 2) “Don’t Stifle the Holy Spirit”
Aug 26, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 2) “Don’t Stifle the Holy Spirit”Series: Bible Study
1 Thessalonians 5:19; 1 Corinthians 12:1 -13; Romans 8:9,14, 7:14-25; Ephesians 1:13-14, 4:30; Galatians 5:17-18
- The Holy Spirit is a Teacher.
- The Holy Spirit reminds us of things.
- The Holy Spirit comforts us.
- The Holy Spirit convicts us.
- For us to operate in all the power that is available to us by the Holy Spirit, we have to cooperate with Him.
_ To be led is to voluntarily submit.
- Being filled with the Holy Spirit is allowing Him to lead you.
- If we allow the Spirit to lead us, we won't need the Law. - Aug 23, 2020Getting the Answers You Need
Aug 23, 2020Getting the Answers You NeedSeries: GeneralGenesis 1:1 -4, 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, 4:3-4,6; John 3:19, 8:12, 15:13-15; Romans 13:12; Ephesians 5:11; Psalm 27:1, 25:14; 1 Peter 2:9; Matthew 5:16, 22:2-13; Deuteronomy 29:29; Amos 3:7; Proverbs 3:32; Jeremiah 33:3
- God wants to answer us.
- The first recorded act of God was speaking light into the darkness.
- God is light and God is good. Light is good. The enemy is dark. Darkness and evil go hand in hand.
- Darkness is associated with sin; evil, condemnation, spiritual blindness.
- It's not whether we are good or not we have to have on the right attire. with the robe of righteousness.
-Light is symbolic of salvation. Light is symbolic of Jesus.
- Light is symbolic of revelation.
- God wants us to see so He is dispelling darkness.
- God reveals things to me.
- God spoke to His prophets. Jesus speaks to His friends, I am a friend of God's. God gives His friends answers.
- God's friendship is for God's worshippers. They are the ones He confides in. ( Psalm 25:14 msg)
- The enemy blinds the mind, God enlightens the heart. - Aug 19, 2020How God Wants Us To Live
Aug 19, 2020How God Wants Us To LiveSeries: Bible Study1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Philippians 4:4; John 15:9-11; Luke 18:1; Romans 12: 12; Ephesians 6:18; Numbers 11:1; Psalm 100; Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:4; Isaiah 3:10
- Joy, a settled contentment, confidence and hope.
-Contentment says whether I have or don't, I'm good.
- We have to have confidence.
- Joy is tied to God. Happiness is connected to things.
- We have to know that God loves us.
- We can have a praying spirit.
- When we pray we experience God's love in prayer.
- If we gave thanks for everything, it would do away with complaining.
- No matter how bad things are, the story is not over.
- We need to have a real appreciation for other people's suffering.
- Things don't have to be greatest in the world, in order to be thankful. - Aug 16, 2020What You Can’t See
Aug 16, 2020What You Can’t SeeSeries: GeneralRuth 1:19-22, 2:1-3 4:16-17; Leviticus 19:9-10,23:22; Deuteronomy 24:19, 28:16-68-; Ruth 3:10-13; Galatians 3:13-14
- We don't see ourselves how God sees us.
- God wants to take what we can't see and change it around for us.
- What we can see, we can be.
- We don't have to put somebody down, in order to lift someone up.
- Somewhere in our lives we all have a Ruth. Someone that stays with us in our time of need.
- We get so focused on the people that have left us, that we overlook our Ruths.
- Don't let your circumstances change your name.
- Change your name and you can change your destiny.
- Everybody around you is not necessarily down for you.
- We work for a giving, not a living.
- We may not be able to see what God is doing, but He is at work, just like He was with Ruth.
- We need to do things for others on purpose.
- We have to realize the "field" doesn't belong to us. God wants us to be a blessing.
- God is not trying to take stuff from us, He's trying to give it.
- God wants us to see His hand moving in our life.
- God doesn't write child support checks, He takes care of His children.
- Boaz was the form of a redeemer. Jesus is our redeemer. He can take us out of a situation. God wants us to see that.
- Even after we accept Jesus, we need Jesus. We need to see His redemption.
- Just because we have been saved, does not mean we've been saved from the enemy's darts.
- We need to see that we have a Redeemer.
- We just live day today, but there is a larger purpose in our life. God wants us to see that. - Aug 9, 2020Meditate the Promises
Aug 9, 2020Meditate the PromisesSeries: General
Genesis 24:63, v. 10,18-21; Romans 12:1-2;1 Corinthians 2:16,5; Joshua 1:8; Hebrews 11:11
- Real beauty comes from the inside of a person.
- There are people that have nice features but what goes on in the heart mars their outer beauty.
- If we would meditate the promises of God, one day we will look up and "the camels will be coming."
- Worry comes from meditating on the problems.
- Renewing our mind is an ongoing process.
- God loves us just the way we are but He does not want us to stay that way.
- We'd rather buy a book than simply meditate on the Word of God. As a man thinketh, so is he.
- Meditation is focusing over a period of time.
- We have to hold onto promises for ourself.
- We look at people's lives like a snapshot, not realizing that it is a moving picture.
- Find the promise. Google it. Ask your mobile device. Look in the concordance. And meditate on it.
- We have to flush the bad experiences from our mind.
- Don't let the devil remind you of the failure. You still passed!
- We can't see the camels coming because we are too busy focusing on the pain.
- You gain strength from believing the promise of God. - Aug 5, 2020A Bowl of Stew
Aug 5, 2020A Bowl of StewSeries: Bible StudyGenesis 25:27-34, Hebrews12: 15-17; 1 John 2:16; 2 Samuel 24:18-24
- When we exaggerate it opens up the door to justifying whatever we need to do to overcome that need.
- If we don't take our relationship with God seriously we are being profane, as Esau did with his birthright.
" If we don't properly value what we have we may make a bad trade.
- Showing thanks shows that you have placed value on what was given.
-When we are thankful, we place value on what we have.
- We need to value our peace so much, in order that we don't give it away with our quick temper.
- We have to stop trading for a bowl of stew.
- Our actions can greatly affect other people which is why we need to make the right decisions.
- We have to know the price and consider will we trade it for a bowl of stew.
-We don't take the time to value what we have.
- Don't sell the valuable thing we have on the cheap. - Aug 2, 2020Even If He Doesn’t
Aug 2, 2020Even If He Doesn’tSeries: GeneralDaniel 3:13-18; Deuteronomy 29:29; 1 Corinthians 13:12; Proverbs 25:2; Ecclesiastes 3:11; Acts 6:5,8; 7:51-60
- Our confidence is based on what we've seen or not seen God do, yet God is still able.
- We need to have a confidence in God that even if God doesn't do it, He's able.
- Our devotion to God must not stop at answered prayer but go beyond that even if He doesn't.
- There is a place in God where our understanding stops.
- On this side of glory, we know only in part, the secret things belong to God.
- We have to be okay with not knowing.
- We need to focus on what we know about God.
- God does things for us even if we don't ask, on behalf of others, and even if we don't know Him.
- It's never about us, it's about God. - Our view of God, the wonderfulness, cannot be determined by whether or not we get our prayers answered.
- Faith yet matters, but it is still the power and sovereignty of God.
- We only have problems with the sovereignty of God when He doesn't do what we want.
- Faith does not override the sovereignty of God. It is in the secret place.
- Jesus and God watched Stephen getting stoned and did nothing to interfere. It's not for us to know
why, it's in the secret place - Jul 29, 2020Getting Into That Quiet Place
Jul 29, 2020Getting Into That Quiet PlaceSeries: Bible Study
Luke 5:15-6, 6:12; Mark 1:21-38, 4:35-41; Matthew 14:22-23
- We cannot give what we don't have. Even if people are trying to get from us.
- Jesus withdrew often so that He could hear from the Father.
- We have to make a conscious decision to withdraw.
- Jesus is not moved by everyone looking for Him - He knew He had to do something.
- Jesus sent the disciples on their way and the multitudes so that He can spend some time with the Father.
- We need to withdraw to get spiritually strengthened and replenished.
- There are times you have to leave the "crowd" behind.
Audio Player
- Sep 3, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 3) “Quench Not the Spirit – Part 2″
- Aug 30, 2020Staying Focused In These Times
- Aug 26, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 2) “Don’t Stifle the Holy Spirit”
- Aug 23, 2020Getting the Answers You Need
- Aug 19, 2020How God Wants Us To Live
- Aug 16, 2020What You Can’t See
- Aug 9, 2020Meditate the Promises
- Aug 5, 2020A Bowl of Stew
- Aug 2, 2020Even If He Doesn’t
- Jul 29, 2020Getting Into That Quiet Place