Oct 11, 2020
Becoming You
Series: General

Psalm 32:8, 100:3, 119:73; Ephesians 2:10; Isaiah 64:8; Luke 22:21

- God has created you for a purpose.  To bring Him glory, honor and praise. 

- Our person is unique. Our purpose is unique.

- Trouble comes when we try to do what God has not created us to do.

- We spend more time looking at people than looking at Jesus.

- If we keep our eyes on Jesus we will be able to discern the real from the fake.

- We look at people too much and we listen to people too much.

- When we look at people too much we can stray off the path.

- We don't need to be made, we just need to become.

- We are the work of God's hands.

- We have to stay on God's wheel.

- There are too many that stay on the treadmill instead of the potter's wheel.

- Some of us are running on a hamster wheel.  A wheel that is going nowhere.

- You are going to become you in the hands of the potter.

- A lot of us live in a place called supposed to.

- We have to decide whether we're going to live in a place called supposed to or a place called purpose.

- The purpose of God is more linked to what we want to do rather than the notion of what we're supposed to do.

- Stop paying so much attention to the things we're supposed to do, and look at what you want to do. You will find God's purpose much quicker.

- Time is short. We need to do what fulfills us as a person. Become the you God wants you to be.

- Stop playing a role in a play that God didn't write.

- Get more connected to God and stay connected if we are to become who are supposed to be.

- As we reject the idea of supposed to, and look at Jesus, we need to realize that people will not like who you are becoming. Not everyone will appreciate it, support it or understand you. But that's okay.

people's expectations.

- We need to shed the weight of other people’s opinions.

- Stop worrying about other people's opinions of you, especially when they try to hinder you.

- Before anybody had an opinion of you, God had a purpose for you.

- When we get to that point of "becoming" the enemy desires to sift us as wheat.

- When we come to a place of promise, we come into our purpose, we come into the land of battle.

- Do not be discouraged, Jesus is praying for you.

  • Oct 11, 2020Becoming You
    Oct 11, 2020
    Becoming You
    Series: General

    Psalm 32:8, 100:3, 119:73; Ephesians 2:10; Isaiah 64:8; Luke 22:21

    - God has created you for a purpose.  To bring Him glory, honor and praise. 

    - Our person is unique. Our purpose is unique.

    - Trouble comes when we try to do what God has not created us to do.

    - We spend more time looking at people than looking at Jesus.

    - If we keep our eyes on Jesus we will be able to discern the real from the fake.

    - We look at people too much and we listen to people too much.

    - When we look at people too much we can stray off the path.

    - We don't need to be made, we just need to become.

    - We are the work of God's hands.

    - We have to stay on God's wheel.

    - There are too many that stay on the treadmill instead of the potter's wheel.

    - Some of us are running on a hamster wheel.  A wheel that is going nowhere.

    - You are going to become you in the hands of the potter.

    - A lot of us live in a place called supposed to.

    - We have to decide whether we're going to live in a place called supposed to or a place called purpose.

    - The purpose of God is more linked to what we want to do rather than the notion of what we're supposed to do.

    - Stop paying so much attention to the things we're supposed to do, and look at what you want to do. You will find God's purpose much quicker.

    - Time is short. We need to do what fulfills us as a person. Become the you God wants you to be.

    - Stop playing a role in a play that God didn't write.

    - Get more connected to God and stay connected if we are to become who are supposed to be.

    - As we reject the idea of supposed to, and look at Jesus, we need to realize that people will not like who you are becoming. Not everyone will appreciate it, support it or understand you. But that's okay.

    people's expectations.

    - We need to shed the weight of other people’s opinions.

    - Stop worrying about other people's opinions of you, especially when they try to hinder you.

    - Before anybody had an opinion of you, God had a purpose for you.

    - When we get to that point of "becoming" the enemy desires to sift us as wheat.

    - When we come to a place of promise, we come into our purpose, we come into the land of battle.

    - Do not be discouraged, Jesus is praying for you.

  • Oct 7, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 8) “Honor Your Leaders”
    Oct 7, 2020
    How God Wants Us To Live (Part 8) “Honor Your Leaders”
    Series: Bible Study

    1Thessalonians 5:12-13; Deuteronomy 12:19 14:7; 18:1-5; Hebrews 13:7,17; 1 Timothy 5:17-18; Galatians 6:6; 1 Corinthians 9:4,7-13

    - We need to honor, recognize and esteem our spiritual leaders.

    - God views taking care of His Ministers as a life-long commitment.

    - God is looking to the people of God to take care of the ministers of God.

    - We should not give our leaders grief.

    - We should endeavor to make our leader's life easier.

  • Sep 30, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 7) “Don’t Seek Revenge”
    Sep 30, 2020
    How God Wants Us To Live (Part 7) “Don’t Seek Revenge”
    Series: Bible Study

    1 Thessalonians 5:15, Matthew 7:12, 5:43-45; Romans 12:14,17-21; Proverbs 20:22; 1 Peter 3:9-12

    - There are too many Christians that live by the code, "I will treat you the way you treat me." And that code finds no support in The Bible.

    - We don't treat people the way we want them to treat us, we treat them the way we want to be treated.

    - People who are cruel in their attitude towards you, we are supposed to bless.

    - We are to do things in a way that everyone can see that we are honorable.

    - It is God's job to repay the wrong that has been done to us.

    The eyes of the Lord watches over them who do right by people.

    - If God turns His face against us there is nothing left for us to do,

    - The way are treat others is not dependent upon how they treat us.

  • Sep 27, 2020The Blessing of Dry Ground
    Sep 27, 2020
    The Blessing of Dry Ground
    Series: General
    Genesis 8:13-19; Exodus 14:19.21; Isaiah 53:5,1-2
    - It may not be time for us to leave the boat. We have to wait for God to tell us when to leave.
    - The grass could appear to be dry, but can very much still be saturated with water.
    - Going to a place where your tires are still wet can lead to a mess.
    - Jesus does not need fertile soil in order to show up, all He needs is a dry ground.
    - Jesus shows up and grows up on dry ground.
    - If we are in a place where we feel dryness and despair, do not be discouraged
    - Jesus shows up in dry places.
    - The anointing of God shows up in dry places.
  • Sep 23, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 6) “Encourage Those Who Are Weak”
    Sep 23, 2020
    How God Wants Us To Live (Part 6) “Encourage Those Who Are Weak”
    Series: Bible Study
    1 Thessalonians 5:14-15
  • Sep 20, 2020Thank God To His Face
    Sep 20, 2020
    Thank God To His Face
    Series: General

    Psalm 30, 50:15, 34:7, 56:9; James 4:10: 1 Peter 5:6; Exodus 15:24; Hebrews 13:5

    - Many nights we may have gone to bed crying, but wake up with joy.
    - God does great exchanges. Mourning for dancing.
    - Don't get the big head! It will cause a separation from God and bring sadness.
    - As God lifts us up, we have to lift Him up.
    - Just because some people have the physical posture of humility, does not mean they have a humble heart.
    - Don't try to get rid of haters, ask God to let you triumph over them.
    - We need to ask God for help. Though He sees us, there are yet times that we need to cry out to Him.
    - There is a difference between praying and crying out.
    - Sometimes when we cry out to God, God will show us something, turning our bitter into sweet...
    - Crying out is an act of desperation that you carry out in the spirit of humility and total surrender.
    - God never moved, David moved - when he got prideful.
    - When we thank God to His face that's direct thanks.  That's intimate thanks.
    - Thank God to His Face
    - We need to thank people to their face.
    - When we do something to someone's face, that makes it personal.
    - If God has done anything for you, thank Him to His face.


  • Sep 16, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 5) “Warning for the Lazy”
    Sep 16, 2020
    How God Wants Us To Live (Part 5) “Warning for the Lazy”
    Series: Bible Study

    2 Thessalonians 5:14-15, 3:10-12; Psalm 127:1-3, 121:2; Proverbs 13:4, 22:13,29

    - God requires order in our lives, in the church. And if we are not in order, there are consequences.
    - God wants us to work but He doesn't want us always working.
    - While God frowns at laziness, He yet does not want us to work all the time.
    - It is out of order not to walk, and not to be productive.
    - If we find ourselves getting into other people's business, we are probably not being productive.
    - We are to warn people of laziness, not put them on blast, not criticize them, not belittle them.
    - A life of laziness will lead to things pouncing on you.
    - We can be active and not be productive.
    - When we are diligent and work it will lend to a different outcome.
    - Laziness causes us to waste good resources.
    - A lazy person's path is blocked.
    - A lazy person is an excuse maker.
    - The one who is at work will stand before kings.
  • Sep 13, 2020God Is Working On Me
    Sep 13, 2020
    God Is Working On Me
    Series: General

    Philippians 2:12-13; Hebrews 13:20-21; Micah 7:8; Romans 8:28; Jeremiah 1:4-8

    - God put something on the inside of us and itis up to us to work it out.

    - God never intended for us to work out our salvation on our own.

    - We don't need a self-help book if we have the help of God.

    - Figuring things out makes us frustrated because we are not working with God.

    - When we know that God is working on us, we stop figuring on what to do.

    - When we know that God is working on us, we realize that life is a process.

    - We are a work of progress.

    - God is always working.

    - When we know that God is working on us, our life isn't defined by temporary setbacks.
    God is giving us the desire to work things out.

    - We stop trying to work on our own strength.

    - We can be patient with ourselves.  God causes everything to work together for the good.

    - Before we were born, God appointed us to do certain things.  The things that God set us apart to do are the things we want to do.

    - We must not diminish what God has done on the inside of us and limit what we can do.

  • Sep 9, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 4) “Getting To A Place of Believing”
    Sep 9, 2020
    How God Wants Us To Live (Part 4) “Getting To A Place of Believing”
    Series: Bible Study

    1 Thessalonians 5:20-21; 1 John 4:1; Matthew 7:15-16; Acts 17:10-12; Philippians 2:16; 2 Timothy 4:1-5

    - As we receive the Word we have to be active participants.
    - Don't scoff at the Word.
    - We can despise the teaching of the Word if we disregard it.
    - We need to try the Spirit to see if they are of God.
    - Getting to a place of believing requires work.
    - Hold on to what is good.

  • Sep 6, 2020A Place Called Rest
    Sep 6, 2020
    A Place Called Rest
    Series: General
    - Unrest- state of dissatisfaction, of agitation.  There is a rest for the people of God.
    - If we know God only because of what He does, then we know His acts. If we know God by His character, then we know His ways.
    - If we know God's ways, we won’t get so caught up in His acts- when He doesn't.
    - If we can hold onto knowing God by His ways, it will sustain us until we see His acts.
    - He that comes to God MUST believe.   Unbelief takes us away from God.
    - When we know about God nothing can make us doubt Him.
    - We enter into the rest by believing.
    - We must not allow ourselves to get comfortable with our unbelief.
    - Guilt, shame, condemnation are all designed by the enemy to keep the people of God out of rest.
    - Rest is not inactivity. It's ceasing from our own work.