Sep 23, 2020
How God Wants Us To Live (Part 6) “Encourage Those Who Are Weak”
Series: Bible Study
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15
  • Sep 23, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 6) “Encourage Those Who Are Weak”
    Sep 23, 2020
    How God Wants Us To Live (Part 6) “Encourage Those Who Are Weak”
    Series: Bible Study
    1 Thessalonians 5:14-15
  • Sep 16, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 5) “Warning for the Lazy”
    Sep 16, 2020
    How God Wants Us To Live (Part 5) “Warning for the Lazy”
    Series: Bible Study

    2 Thessalonians 5:14-15, 3:10-12; Psalm 127:1-3, 121:2; Proverbs 13:4, 22:13,29

    - God requires order in our lives, in the church. And if we are not in order, there are consequences.
    - God wants us to work but He doesn't want us always working.
    - While God frowns at laziness, He yet does not want us to work all the time.
    - It is out of order not to walk, and not to be productive.
    - If we find ourselves getting into other people's business, we are probably not being productive.
    - We are to warn people of laziness, not put them on blast, not criticize them, not belittle them.
    - A life of laziness will lead to things pouncing on you.
    - We can be active and not be productive.
    - When we are diligent and work it will lend to a different outcome.
    - Laziness causes us to waste good resources.
    - A lazy person's path is blocked.
    - A lazy person is an excuse maker.
    - The one who is at work will stand before kings.
  • Sep 9, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 4) “Getting To A Place of Believing”
    Sep 9, 2020
    How God Wants Us To Live (Part 4) “Getting To A Place of Believing”
    Series: Bible Study

    1 Thessalonians 5:20-21; 1 John 4:1; Matthew 7:15-16; Acts 17:10-12; Philippians 2:16; 2 Timothy 4:1-5

    - As we receive the Word we have to be active participants.
    - Don't scoff at the Word.
    - We can despise the teaching of the Word if we disregard it.
    - We need to try the Spirit to see if they are of God.
    - Getting to a place of believing requires work.
    - Hold on to what is good.

  • Sep 3, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 3) “Quench Not the Spirit – Part 2″
    Sep 3, 2020
    How God Wants Us To Live (Part 3) “Quench Not the Spirit – Part 2″
    Series: Bible Study

    1 Thessalonians 5:19; 1 Kings 19:12; Ephesians 4:30, 5:18; Galatians 5:17-18; Romans 7:14-25; James 4:7; Hebrews 11:24-25; Romans 8:1-2,5-6
    - If we allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit, we will not grieve it.
    - If we allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit, we don't have to worry about do's and dont's.
    - Becoming a Christian does not remove sin and temptation from our lives.
    - Becoming Christ-like is a walk of faith that is exercised over the course of a lifetime.
    - Becoming a Christian is an act of faith in a moment.
    - The order is important in submission.
    - If we are going to resist the devil, we need the Holy Spirit.
    - If we are going to resist the allure of sin, we need the Holy Spirit.
    - We are only tempted by the things we like.
    - Temptation only comes in the area that is enticing to us.
    - We must not do things to excess.
    - when we follow after the Spirit, our walk is upright-kingly.  Our talk is edifying.  And we see things.
    - Being filled with the Holy Ghost is not how much of the Holy Ghost we have, it is how much the Holy Ghost has us.

  • Aug 26, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 2) “Don’t Stifle the Holy Spirit”
    Aug 26, 2020
    How God Wants Us To Live (Part 2) “Don’t Stifle the Holy Spirit”
    Series: Bible Study

    1 Thessalonians 5:19; 1 Corinthians 12:1 -13; Romans 8:9,14, 7:14-25; Ephesians 1:13-14, 4:30; Galatians 5:17-18
    - The Holy Spirit is a Teacher.
    - The Holy Spirit reminds us of things.
    - The Holy Spirit comforts us.
    - The Holy Spirit convicts us.
    - For us to operate in all the power that is available to us by the Holy Spirit, we have to cooperate with Him.
    _ To be led is to voluntarily submit.
    - Being filled with the Holy Spirit is allowing Him to lead you.
    - If we allow the Spirit to lead us, we won't need the Law.

  • Aug 19, 2020How God Wants Us To Live
    Aug 19, 2020
    How God Wants Us To Live
    Series: Bible Study
    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Philippians 4:4; John 15:9-11; Luke 18:1; Romans 12: 12; Ephesians 6:18; Numbers 11:1; Psalm 100; Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:4; Isaiah 3:10
    - Joy, a settled contentment, confidence and hope.
    -Contentment says whether I have or don't, I'm good.
    - We have to have confidence.
    - Joy is tied to God. Happiness is connected to things.
    - We have to know that God loves us.
    - We can have a praying spirit.
    - When we pray we experience God's love in prayer.
    - If we gave thanks for everything, it would do away with complaining.
    - No matter how bad things are, the story is not over.
    - We need to have a real appreciation for other people's suffering.
    - Things don't have to be greatest in the world, in order to be thankful.
  • Aug 5, 2020A Bowl of Stew
    Aug 5, 2020
    A Bowl of Stew
    Series: Bible Study
    Genesis 25:27-34, Hebrews12: 15-17; 1 John 2:16; 2 Samuel 24:18-24
    - When we exaggerate it opens up the door to justifying whatever we need to do to overcome that need.
    - If we don't take our relationship with God seriously we are being profane, as Esau did with his birthright.
    " If we don't properly value what we have we may make a bad trade.
    - Showing thanks shows that you have placed value on what was given.
    -When we are thankful, we place value on what we have.
    - We need to value our peace so much, in order that we don't give it away with our quick temper.
    - We have to stop trading for a bowl of stew.
    - Our actions can greatly affect other people which is why we need to make the right decisions.
    - We have to know the price and consider will we trade it for a bowl of stew.
    -We don't take the time to value what we have.
    - Don't sell the valuable thing we have on the cheap.
  • Jul 29, 2020Getting Into That Quiet Place
    Jul 29, 2020
    Getting Into That Quiet Place
    Series: Bible Study

    Luke 5:15-6, 6:12; Mark 1:21-38, 4:35-41; Matthew 14:22-23

    - We cannot give what we don't have. Even if people are trying to get from us.
    - Jesus withdrew often so that He could hear from the Father.
    - We have to make a conscious decision to withdraw.
    - Jesus is not moved by everyone looking for Him - He knew He had to do something.
    - Jesus sent the disciples on their way and the multitudes so that He can spend some time with the Father.
    - We need to withdraw to get spiritually strengthened and replenished.
    - There are times you have to leave the "crowd" behind.

  • Jul 22, 2020Do We Really Trust God?
    Jul 22, 2020
    Do We Really Trust God?
    Series: Bible Study

    Exodus 16:3-3,14-21; Proverbs 25:2; Numbers 11:4-6; Psalm 106:14-15; Matthew 6:9-11; John 6:25-35
    - God will test our faith by presenting us with an obedience issue.
    - It's not what we have, it's whether or not we are following God in it.
    - The only way we get God's results, is doing things God's way.
    - Even if something makes sense, if God does not say do it, we should not do it.
    - It's not about figuring it out, it's about searching it out.
    - The desire to have our flesh satisfied will override our obedience.
    - We completely overlook the things we have and complain about what we don't have.
    - There is a part of us that doesn't want to depend on anyone.
    - We will be satisfied if we stop trying to put our hands to work and trust God.
    - We will make better decisions if we trust God.
    - Tomorrow really doesn't exist. We only have today.

  • Jul 15, 2020God Is Ready To Work
    Jul 15, 2020
    God Is Ready To Work
    Series: Bible Study

    John 14:9-10,1:19-21,15:5,7; Deuteronomy 18:9-19; Psalm 138:2,103:20

    - The Father does the work.
    - Don't take credit for what God does through you.
    - If we want God to keep us in line, hide His word in your heart. But only the spoken Word will get God to work.
    - God does the work through the words He put in Jesus mouth.
    - We return God's Word to Him, simply by speaking it in faith.
    - We declare the thing, and it will be established. By God.
    - When we say something that God says we give voice to His word and the angels go to work.