Romans 4:16-21; Hebrews 11:1; 1 Samuel 1:8-18
- Our believing and hoping must be according to that which was spoken.
- There's no reason to hope, but we believe anyway.
- Faith is acting or living like the promises of God are true.
- Biblical hope is not wishful thinking.
- Hope is a confident expectation that God will do what He said.
- So many times do we not understand the depth of someone's pain. Not understanding may not be a malicious thing.
- Just because someone doesn't get it doesn't mean that they don't want to.
- Hannah wanted to do something different.
- It's a mark of godliness when we have every right to be mad, but respond in grace.
- Our soul can be lifted up, our psyche can be changed, even when things all around us remain the same. That is the power of hope.
- When hope begins to dissipate, so do our words.
- Hopelessness takes away our voice.
- God will fill us when our mouths are open.
- Mar 10, 2021Living By Faith, Part 8 “Building Up Our Hope”
Mar 10, 2021Living By Faith, Part 8 “Building Up Our Hope”Series: Bible Study
Romans 4:16-21; Hebrews 11:1; 1 Samuel 1:8-18
- Our believing and hoping must be according to that which was spoken.
- There's no reason to hope, but we believe anyway.
- Faith is acting or living like the promises of God are true.
- Biblical hope is not wishful thinking.
- Hope is a confident expectation that God will do what He said.
- So many times do we not understand the depth of someone's pain. Not understanding may not be a malicious thing.
- Just because someone doesn't get it doesn't mean that they don't want to.
- Hannah wanted to do something different.
- It's a mark of godliness when we have every right to be mad, but respond in grace.
- Our soul can be lifted up, our psyche can be changed, even when things all around us remain the same. That is the power of hope.
- When hope begins to dissipate, so do our words.
- Hopelessness takes away our voice.
- God will fill us when our mouths are open.
- Feb 24, 2021Living By Faith, Part 7 (Faith for Finances, Part 3)
Feb 24, 2021Living By Faith, Part 7 (Faith for Finances, Part 3)Series: Bible Study
Luke 12:13-21; Deuteronomy 8:18; Proverbs 1:24-25; 1 Timothy 6:17-19; Exodus 12:35-36; Psalm 105:37; Genesis 32:13-18, 33:8-11; Haggai 1:1-11; Isaiah 58:1-11
- The blessings of God do not come through man's devices.
- We cannot just be wanting stuff.
- God looks at selfishness as foolishness.
- It's selfish to want enough just for you and yours. God wants us to be distribution centers.
- Giving is a condition of the heart, not a condition of your wallet.
- Have a heart to give and God will give you your heart's desire.
- The resources will come as we allow God to work on our heart.
- The generous prosper.
- God doesn't mind us having things. He just wants us to share what we have.
- God has no problem blessing His people.
- When we bless someone and they refuse it, it may cut off your blessing flow.
- Feb 17, 2021Living By Faith, Part 6 (Faith for Finances, Part 2)
Feb 17, 2021Living By Faith, Part 6 (Faith for Finances, Part 2)Series: Bible Study
Matthew 6:33; Psalm 89:14; Luke 6:38; Proverbs 19:17, 28:27, 11:25; 2 Samuel 6:1-9; 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
- God has a way of getting to us the provision we need.
- We cannot be the powerful representatives of Christ concerning our finances, if we are fretting.
- It's through giving that we receive.
- We can only get to the place of prosperity God's way.
- It's important to maintain a spirit of generosity during a period of lack.
- Giving is a condition of the heart.
- Blessings come when you give out of your lack.
- It's very important to do what God says, how He says it.
- God has a way of doing and being right.
- God will make sure you have so that you can give to every good work.
- Feb 10, 2021Living By Faith, Part 5 (Faith for Finances)
Feb 10, 2021Living By Faith, Part 5 (Faith for Finances)Series: Bible Study
Galatians 3:13-14; Deuteronomy 28:1-14 (The Blessing), v.15-68, (The Curse - Sickness, Disease, Poverty and Lack), Deuteronomy 8:18; 3 John 2; 2; Timothy 3:16; Genesis 12:1-3, 13:1-2; Psalm 35:27; 2 Kings 4:1-7
- Poverty and lack are a part of the curse of the law.
- I'm redeemed from poverty and lack.
- God wants to demonstrate His goodness in such a way that the world will say, the half has not been told.
- One of the reasons God wants to bless us is so that we can be a blessing to others.
- We've been empowered to prosper but not all of us are prospering, because we have not turned on the switch. The switch is faith.
- God wants us to prosper so that we can have resources and the ability to prosper in the earth.
- God doesn't have a problem with us having money, it's money having us.
- We have to be the ones to be generous with the resources He gives us.
- God gives us the power to get wealth so that He can establish His covenant in the earth.
- Others will see God when they see the extent of your generosity.
- A grateful heart is expressed in generosity.
- God gives us more than enough. He is not just interested in paying our bills. He wants us to live.
- Jan 27, 2021Living By Faith, Part 4 (Faith for Healing, Part 2)
Jan 27, 2021Living By Faith, Part 4 (Faith for Healing, Part 2)Series: Bible Study
Isaiah 53:-3-5; Matthew 8:1-3,5-10,13-17; James 4:2, 5:15-16; Acts 3:11-16, 14:8-10; Psalm 107:20, 119:89
- We have to walk by faith for healing.
- It's the name of Jesus, through faith in His name, that heals us.
- God is looking for our faith. Faith can be seen.
- We have to be specific in what we are believing God for.
- Our faith is not equally strong in every area of our life.
- Faith is not generic.
- When we pray, we have to believe. Not before, not after.
- If Jesus is willing to heal a leper, He is willing to heal you.
- The Word of God heals.
- No matter what it is, God can heal.
- God wants us healthy and whole. He is more than willing to heal us.
- Sickness doesn't belong to us, because Jesus took it.
- We have to contend for the faith.
- Jan 20, 2021Living By Faith, Part 3 “Faith For Healing”
Jan 20, 2021Living By Faith, Part 3 “Faith For Healing”Series: Bible Study
Isaiah 53:3-5, 35:5-6; Matthew 11:2-6, 4:23-25, 9:22, 27-29; Luke 4:40; James 4:2, 5:13-16; Matthew; John 5:3-8; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; Hebrews 10: 23
- We cannot stay in the position where we need spiritual milk,, we need to have meat.
- Meat of the Word will help us to grow.
Why doesn't God always heal, if He is a healer?
- Sometimes God doesn't heal because we don't ask Him. (We have not, because we ask not).
- We need to always ask, and ask quickly.
- Because of sin or disobedience in our life.
Blessing blockers, unforgiveness, not walking in love.
- The absence or lack of faith.
- Our faith could be displaced.
- We don't want the healing.
- God is sovereign.
- Regardless of how God is moving or not, we need to keep praying.
-We must persevere in prayer and hold on to our faith.
- Jan 13, 2021Living By Faith, Part 2
Jan 13, 2021Living By Faith, Part 2Series: Bible Study
Mark 4:35-41; Galatians 2:20; Matthew 3:17, 10:29-31; Ephesians 1:6; Psalm 121:3-4, 55:22, 139:17; 1 Peter 5:6-7; Isaiah 49:16
- Living by faith is living in the power of God.
- Our faith is growing stronger.
- We will live by faith more than ever before.
- Faith is a fruit of the Spirit. It is God-given.
- Just as the storm came quickly on the disciples, the storm comes quickly upon us.
- The storms of life can make us panic.
- There are times when we are so fearful.
- There is a level of fear that can totally negate faith and make it of no effect.
- If we doubt or question whether God cares for us, it is going to be outright impossible to have faith in God.
- The enemy wants us to get to the place where we are questioning God.
- We have to know that we know that we know that God loves and cares for us.
- God is pleased with you before you even do anything.
- God's love toward us is not based on anything that we can do.
- We have to rest in the love of God.
- Living by faith is bringing God into every situation.
- God thinks great things toward us.
- God values us.
- God inscribes us on the palm of His hand.
- Jan 6, 2021Living By Faith
Jan 6, 2021Living By FaithSeries: Bible Study
Matthew 9:27-31, 8:10,13, 15:28; Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Luke 8:11-18
- Faith is for day to day living.
- Faith is not an occasional thing. It’s not for special occasions.
- Living by faith means we stay in close contact with Jesus.
- We will start making better decisions if we live our life by faith.
- We have to be careful to how we hear the Word of God.
- Faith is not automatic, we have to take heed to what we hear.
- When it comes to faith we are either getting stronger or weaker.
- We need to stop and answer as if Jesus was asking us, "Do You believe that what you have prayed for, God is able to do?"
- Our life will speak the Truth of what we believe.
- As how we believe it will be done. According to our faith.
- Dec 30, 2020Valley Praise
Dec 30, 2020Valley PraiseSeries: Bible Study
Psalm 62:1-2; 63:1-8; 34:1
- It's easy to praise God when we're on the mountaintop. It emanates from a place of joy.
- Valley praise is different. There are shadows of death in the valley. Disappointments sorrow, troubles.
- If the God of the mountaintop is worthy of praise so is the God of the valley.
- A valley praise is more authentic than a mountaintop praise. A valley praise comes in spite of.
- David wrote Psalm 63 when he was in the wilderness.
- When we are in the wilderness, what do we say?
- Valleys are a part of our walk.
- Valley praise is not about the external.
- Our praise is essential if we are going to get through our valley.
- All times means ALL TIMES.
- God is with us in the valley.
- The biggest work in our life is not on the outside, it's the inside.
- Dec 16, 2020The Prayerful Expectancy of Help
Dec 16, 2020The Prayerful Expectancy of HelpSeries: Bible Study
Luke 2:25-38
- Expectancy is thinking or hoping that something good is about to happen.
- God wants to speak to us more than we want to listen.
- We don't have to be in a special category in order for God to share things with us that He is not sharing with anyone else.
- When we are committed to God we recognize Jesus when He comes.
- Jesus is the personification of God's salvation.
- Whoever you say Jesus is, will declare your rise or your fall.
- Our thoughts, our heart is revealed as to how we receive Jesus.