Oct 2, 2019
A Study of the Book of Malachi (Chapter 3)
Series: Bible Study
We have to give God something that costs up something. If it doesn't mean anything to us, it won't mean anything to God.
Chapter 3:1-5
- God will come to those who are seeking.
- Lord, purify my heart.
- The more we spend time with God, the more we will reflect Him.
- God is the prosecutor and the witness.
- Oct 2, 2019A Study of the Book of Malachi (Chapter 3)
Oct 2, 2019A Study of the Book of Malachi (Chapter 3)Series: Bible StudySummary.We have to give God something that costs up something. If it doesn't mean anything to us, it won't mean anything to God.Chapter 3:1-5- God will come to those who are seeking.- Lord, purify my heart.- The more we spend time with God, the more we will reflect Him.- God is the prosecutor and the witness.
- Sep 29, 2019What Matters Most
Sep 29, 2019What Matters MostSeries: General(Luke 10:38-42)- Just because Martha thought it was unfair doesn't mean Jesus thought it was unfair.- God doesn't think in terms of fairness.- God is good, even when you think He's unfair.
- Sep 15, 2019God Plays No Favorites
Sep 15, 2019God Plays No Favorites(Acts 10:34-35; James 2:1-4,9; Matthew 25:14-15)- Justice is not blind, justice sees everything.- God does not want us showing favoritism.- God gives according to our ability.- God hears the one who is humble. What has the right heart.- God doesn't look at or care about your title nor position. He cares about your heart.- God has standards, not favorites.
- Sep 8, 2019Receiving God’s Promise
Sep 8, 2019Receiving God’s PromiseSeries: General(Deuteronomy 28:1-13 NLT; Genesis 15:1-6; Galatians 3:1-9,10, 13-14; Romans 4:1-4, 13-1)- The promises of God and the blessings of God do not come from us doing right.- The promises of God were purchased by Jesus on Calvary's Cross. They were already paid for.- We don't receive the promises by our behavior or our obedience. We receive them by faith.- We are obeying but not believing.- Abraham believed God. The focus is on his belief, not his obedience.- We do not receive the Holy Spirit because of our obedience, but because of our belief.- When we look to earn God's blessing, we actually put a curse on ourselves.- Our obedience will flow from our belief.- If we are not going to believe God, we are not going to hear from Him.
- Sep 1, 2019Breaking the Chains of Perfection
Sep 1, 2019Breaking the Chains of PerfectionSeries: General(Matthew 5:43-48, 9:9-13, 5:17; Proverbs 20:9)-God doesn't expect us to be perfect. He expects us to be complete in love.- We should strive for excellence, not perfection.- We can achieve excellence, not perfection.- Jesus called a sinner to follow Him.- Jesus perfectly filled the requirement law.- God's grace is sufficient.
- Aug 30, 2019Water Under the Marriage Bridge
Aug 30, 2019Water Under the Marriage BridgeSeries: WisdomByteAn excerpt from the Bible Study teaching, the Book of Malachi, Chapter 2: A Call to be Faithful
- Aug 28, 2019A Study of the Book of Malachi (Chapter 2)
Aug 28, 2019A Study of the Book of Malachi (Chapter 2)Series: Bible StudySummary.- God is looking for valuable sacrifices.- Just because we give doesn't mean we're giving. It has to cost us something.- God looks for actions not so much what we are saying.Chapter 1 - Give God Your BestChapter 2:1-15 - God Expects Us To Be Faithful- He did not answer prayers because of the way we treat our spouse.(Ephesians 5:21-33)- Wives submit, husbands love- God looks at how we treat other people and He takes it personally.(1 Kings 11:1-11)- Solomon lost his kingdom because of his unfaithfulness in the area of marriage.- If we don't honor marriage, God will not honor us.
- Aug 25, 2019Behold the Heart of God
Aug 25, 2019Behold the Heart of GodSeries: General(Matthew 8:1-10,14-17)- We should be worshipping God in the midst of ___________________.- The leper worshipped God anyway.- Worship is anything you and I do that God is worth it, acknowledging what He did and doing it excellently.- Immediately when Jesus was about the servant, His response He will come.- There are times when Jesus will do things for us even when we don't ask Him.- The leper worshipped. We should not wait until we are healed.- We should have faith. The centurion had faith, took Jesus at His Word.- Jesus responded to the leper's worship and the centurion's faith.- Jesus bestowed grace, undeserved favor upon Peter's mother-in-law.- Jesus will often deal with us in a way that is most meaningful to us.- There is no problem that is too small for God to take care of.
- Aug 21, 2019A Study of the Book of Malachi (Chapter 1)
Aug 21, 2019A Study of the Book of Malachi (Chapter 1)Series: Bible StudyChapter 1:1-5, Israel, Beloved of God(Malachi - My Messenger. The Book of Confrontation and Restoration)- If we are going to confront, restoration must be a part of it.- vs. 1 and 2, God starts off with "I have always loved you. Polluted Offerings, v.6-14v.6-8, A son honors his father and a servant respects his master. Where is God's honor if He is both Father and Master.Leviticus 1:3 - The sacrifices that were made were with animals that we blind, stolen, lame and sick.- Whatever we give to God must mean something to us.- Are we giving God something that cost us nothing?- God's looking for what it costs you.
- Aug 18, 2019Cry Unto God