Jan 31, 2021
Take A Look Inside
Series: General
Ephesians 5:1; Psalm 8; Luke 3:37-38
- We were made to operate as living, speaking spirits bursting with the power of God.
- We have to be more focused on the inside.
- The light of the day was in God. He simply spoke what was inside.
- Use the creative force of words that God gave us to bring out what is already on the inside.
- Adam lost it, Jesus restored it, and now it us up to us to use it.
- Act like God.
- The change we desire has always been on the inside of us.
- The power is in you.
- We can't be what we don't know we are.
  • Jan 31, 2021Take A Look Inside
    Jan 31, 2021
    Take A Look Inside
    Series: General
    Ephesians 5:1; Psalm 8; Luke 3:37-38
    - We were made to operate as living, speaking spirits bursting with the power of God.
    - We have to be more focused on the inside.
    - The light of the day was in God. He simply spoke what was inside.
    - Use the creative force of words that God gave us to bring out what is already on the inside.
    - Adam lost it, Jesus restored it, and now it us up to us to use it.
    - Act like God.
    - The change we desire has always been on the inside of us.
    - The power is in you.
    - We can't be what we don't know we are.
  • Jan 27, 2021Living By Faith, Part 4 (Faith for Healing, Part 2)
    Jan 27, 2021
    Living By Faith, Part 4 (Faith for Healing, Part 2)
    Series: Bible Study

    Isaiah 53:-3-5; Matthew 8:1-3,5-10,13-17; James 4:2, 5:15-16; Acts 3:11-16, 14:8-10; Psalm 107:20, 119:89

    - We have to walk by faith for healing.

    - It's the name of Jesus, through faith in His name, that heals us.

    - God is looking for our faith.  Faith can be seen.

    - We have to be specific in what we are believing God for.

    - Our faith is not equally strong in every area of our life.

    - Faith is not generic.

    - When we pray, we have to believe.  Not before, not after.

    - If Jesus is willing to heal a leper, He is willing to heal you.

    - The Word of God heals.

    - No matter what it is, God can heal.

    - God wants us healthy and whole. He is more than willing to heal us.

    - Sickness doesn't belong to us, because Jesus took it.

    - We have to contend for the faith.

  • Jan 24, 2021Demolishing Strongholds, Part 2
    Jan 24, 2021
    Demolishing Strongholds, Part 2
    Series: General

    2 Corinthians 10:3-5, 2:11; Galatians 3:16; Psalm 119; Ephesians 6:10-11; Genesis 1:11-12; Luke 8:11; James 4:7; Isaiah 10:27; 1 John 2:20; 1 Corinthians 1


    Examples of Strongholds

    Pride, self-righteousness, stubbornness, judgmental attitudes, being critical, fear, insecurity, inferiority complex, rejection, bitterness; blaming others, envy, covetousness, controlling spirit, revenge, suspicion, anger, profanity, addictions, pornography, adultery.


    - We all may have strongholds but we also have weapons to destroy them.

    - We cannot come against strongholds with natural weapons, like will power.

    - We cannot expect to get supernatural results with natural responses.

    - The armor of God and the Fruit of the Spirit are our spiritual weapons.

    - Repentance, turning away from our sin, is a spiritual weapon.

    - Obedience is also a spiritual weapon.

    - The enemy is looking to protect every high thing that comes against the Word of God. These are strongholds.

    - One of the biggest tricks that the enemy plays on people is to convince them that he doesn't exist.

    - As a man thinketh so is he.

    - We have to plant the right seed.

    - Seeds are made to produce after its own kind.

    - If the enemy is after our minds we must be diligent in protecting our thought life.

    - We must submit to God, first. If we don't we will be exposed.

    - If we submit to God we won't have to submit to anything in this world.

    - We cannot simply ignore the thought, we have to resist it.

    - We fight a thought with a thought.  A word with a Word.

    - Yell a loud NO to the devil. 

    - Say a quiet yes to God with your obedience.

    - When we speak the Word of God, we speak the anointing. The anointing removes the stronghold, the burdens we are carrying.

  • Jan 20, 2021Living By Faith, Part 3 “Faith For Healing”
    Jan 20, 2021
    Living By Faith, Part 3 “Faith For Healing”
    Series: Bible Study

    Isaiah 53:3-5, 35:5-6; Matthew 11:2-6, 4:23-25, 9:22, 27-29; Luke 4:40; James 4:2, 5:13-16; Matthew; John 5:3-8; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; Hebrews 10: 23

    - We cannot stay in the position where we need spiritual milk,, we need to have meat.

    - Meat of the Word will help us to grow.

    Why doesn't God always heal, if He is a healer?

    - Sometimes God doesn't heal because we don't ask Him. (We have not, because we ask not).

    - We need to always ask, and ask quickly.

    - Because of sin or disobedience in our life.

    Blessing blockers, unforgiveness, not walking in love.

    - The absence or lack of faith.

    - Our faith could be displaced.

    - We don't want the healing.

    - God is sovereign.

    - Regardless of how God is moving or not, we need to keep praying.

    -We must persevere in prayer and hold on to our faith.

  • Jan 17, 2021Demolishing Strongholds
    Jan 17, 2021
    Demolishing Strongholds
    Series: General
    2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Deuteronomy 12:1-3
    - We all have strongholds in our life, they're called 'issues."
    - Strongholds, places that are fortified to protect it against attack.
    - A place where a particular cause on belief is staunchly defended.
    - A stronghold is a mindset, a way of thinking that hinders our growth and development.
    - The result of lies and accusations planted in our mind by the enemy.
    - He then erects walls around the lies, to keep out the Truth of God's Word and Who God is.
    - We cannot bring human weapons to a spiritual fight.
    - The best opinion is inferior to Truth.
    - We have to capture those thoughts and bring them under subjection to the Word of God.
    - Love is our most powerful weapon. Faith works by love.
    - Joy is a weapon also. The joy of the Lord is our strength.
    - God can remove the strongholds, but He wants us to do the work using the weapons He has given us.
    - Sometimes we have to trace the origin of the issues in his life.
    - Anything that competes with God and the supremacy of God is a stronghold.
  • Jan 13, 2021Living By Faith, Part 2
    Jan 13, 2021
    Living By Faith, Part 2
    Series: Bible Study

    Mark 4:35-41; Galatians 2:20; Matthew 3:17, 10:29-31; Ephesians 1:6; Psalm 121:3-4, 55:22, 139:17; 1 Peter 5:6-7; Isaiah 49:16

    - Living by faith is living in the power of God.

    - Our faith is growing stronger.

    - We will live by faith more than ever before.

    - Faith is a fruit of the Spirit. It is God-given.

    - Just as the storm came quickly on the disciples, the storm comes quickly upon us.

    - The storms of life can make us panic.

    - There are times when we are so fearful.

    - There is a level of fear that can totally negate faith and make it of no effect.

    - If we doubt or question whether God cares for us, it is going to be outright impossible to have faith in God.

    - The enemy wants us to get to the place where we are questioning God.

    - We have to know that we know that we know that God loves and cares for us.

    - God is pleased with you before you even do anything.

    - God's love toward us is not based on anything that we can do.

    - We have to rest in the love of God.

    - Living by faith is bringing God into every situation.


    - God thinks great things toward us.

    - God values us.

    - God inscribes us on the palm of His hand.

  • Jan 10, 2021This Time I’m Not Moving
    Jan 10, 2021
    This Time I’m Not Moving
    Series: General

    Ephesians 6:10-18; Isaiah 14:12; Revelation 9:1; 12:3-4,7-9; Luke 10:18; Acts 4:7-14,18-21; 5:28-40; 1 Peter 5:8

    - We cannot put off the putting on.

    - We put on so we can fight off the schemes of the devil.

    - Our battle is not against people.

    - The devil does not act alone.

    - They that be with us are more than they that be with them.

    - This is not child's play.

    - Because we are battling against spiritual forces, we have to fight spirit against spirit.

    - We can't do things that make sense.  The war is spiritual.

    - We have to STAND.

    - The Word of God is Rhema Word, specific for your situation.

    - Peter went from someone who had denied Jesus to speaking boldly for Him.

  • Jan 6, 2021Living By Faith
    Jan 6, 2021
    Living By Faith
    Series: Bible Study

    Matthew 9:27-31, 8:10,13, 15:28; Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Luke 8:11-18


    - Faith is for day to day living.

    - Faith is not an occasional thing.  It’s not for special occasions.

    - Living by faith means we stay in close contact with Jesus.

    - We will start making better decisions if we live our life by faith.

    - We have to be careful to how we hear the Word of God.

    - Faith is not automatic, we have to take heed to what we hear.

    - When it comes to faith we are either getting stronger or weaker.

    - We need to stop and answer as if Jesus was asking us, "Do You believe that what you have prayed for, God is able to do?"

    - Our life will speak the Truth of what we believe.

    - As how we believe it will be done. According to our faith.

  • Jan 3, 2021A Divine Reset
    Jan 3, 2021
    A Divine Reset
    Series: General

    Luke 5:1-7; 2 Chronicles 20:17

    -2021 has to pay for 2020.

    - We need to stop tying the will of God to our earthly calendar.

    - The idea that God waits until January 1st to do a new thing is man-made.

    - Divine reset is not tied to any specific time of the year.

    - When circuits get overloaded, they trip, so you might have to reset it. #selahmoment

    - Things that are broken need to be reset. Things that have no power have to be reset.

    - A new year brings people looking for new things.

    - Sometimes we don't need something new,  we simply need to throw our nets back in again.

    - Reset is getting back in position, based on God's instructions.

    - If it is not done with God's instruction it has no power.

    - The difference in making a change is doing it with God's instruction.

    - God has no obligation to back up something He has not promised.

    - Power does not come from the calendar, it comes from God.

    - The reset is available if we avail ourselves.

    - Our belief without a Word is devoid of power.

    - We have a specified place that God wants us to be.

    - Our specified place is following God.

    - Praise took a hit in 2020. Worship took a hit too. But they are a part of our specified place.

    - Perseverance does not mean to keep doing things in our own strength.

    - Nevertheless Master, key words to being reset.

    - A divine reset is not a new year's message, not just for 2020, or just for 2021, this is an eternal one.

    - Everything coming in our life was not caused by 2020.  We have been out of position for a long time.

  • Dec 30, 2020Valley Praise
    Dec 30, 2020
    Valley Praise
    Series: Bible Study

    Psalm 62:1-2; 63:1-8; 34:1

    - It's easy to praise God when we're on the mountaintop. It emanates from a place of joy.

    - Valley praise is different. There are shadows of death in the valley.  Disappointments sorrow, troubles.

    - If the God of the mountaintop is worthy of praise so is the God of the valley.

    - A valley praise is more authentic than a mountaintop praise. A valley praise comes in spite of.

    - David wrote Psalm 63 when he was in the wilderness.

    - When we are in the wilderness, what do we say?

    - Valleys are a part of our walk.

    - Valley praise is not about the external.

    - Our praise is essential if we are going to get through our valley.

    - All times means ALL TIMES.

    - God is with us in the valley.

    - The biggest work in our life is not on the outside, it's the inside.