- The vision is spiritual.
- If we do not catch the vision, we will perish. If we catch the vision, we will enjoy life.
- The vision we catch for our life is not visual, it's supernatural.
- God says do not look at the natural.
- Looking at something means we purposely see it.
- God calls us to see the unseen.
- We do not walk by what we see with our natural eyes.
- Because we see what is not seen, is faith.
- Vision means seeing with our spiritual eyes.
- We can see things without using our natural eyes. That's what it takes to catch the vision from God.
- In order to catch the vision, it requires a revelation from God.
-mPeter got a revelation because something was revealed by God.
- Have to spend time with God.
- We have to see what God tells us.
- We have to believe.
- God does not want us to see what the world is trying to show us. He wants us to see the light in the darkness, see the provision, see the healing, see the grace and mercy.
- Apr 1, 2020Catching the Vision
Apr 1, 2020Catching the VisionSeries: Bible StudyProverbs 29:18; 2 Corinthians 4:18, 5:7; Genesis 13:14-16,15:5-6; Matthew 16:13-17, Joshua 6:1 -2
- The vision is spiritual.
- If we do not catch the vision, we will perish. If we catch the vision, we will enjoy life.
- The vision we catch for our life is not visual, it's supernatural.
- God says do not look at the natural.
- Looking at something means we purposely see it.
- God calls us to see the unseen.
- We do not walk by what we see with our natural eyes.
- Because we see what is not seen, is faith.
- Vision means seeing with our spiritual eyes.
- We can see things without using our natural eyes. That's what it takes to catch the vision from God.
- In order to catch the vision, it requires a revelation from God.
-mPeter got a revelation because something was revealed by God.
- Have to spend time with God.
- We have to see what God tells us.
- We have to believe.
- God does not want us to see what the world is trying to show us. He wants us to see the light in the darkness, see the provision, see the healing, see the grace and mercy. - Mar 29, 2020Unless I Had Believed
Mar 29, 2020Unless I Had BelievedSeries: GeneralPsalm 27 (v. 13-14),16:8; Romans 5:18,11:16
- David had confidence because of his hope in God.
- David is talking about believing to see.
- Believing can help us to receive.
- The enemy wants to deceive us from believing. Believing is power.
- A person who believes can't be moved.
- Believing comes first.
- We have to believe in the face of the trouble - whatever it is.
- Believing comes in advance. Knowing comes afterwards.
- If you can see the goodness of God in the land of the living, we will outlive our challenges.
- It's the strength of our belief that we overcome.
- David said, "I had fainted" what do you say?
- There's different ways of waiting. Don't just wait on God, wait in faith.
- If we wait in expectation, God will strengthen our heart.
- Stand waiting. Believing to see the goodness of the Lord.
- No matter what we are going through, there is somebody worse off than you. Remember that as ambassadors of Chust.
- We can be the example of God's goodness in the land of the living that someone needs to see. - Mar 25, 2020Redeeming the Time
Mar 25, 2020Redeeming the TimeSeries: Bible Study
Ephesians 5:15-17; James 4:13-15; Proverbs 27:1; Luke 12:16-21
- Redeem - Buy up to rescue from loss - regain possession of it.
- We need to regain possession of the time. We have allowed time to get away from us.
- This is an opportunity to consider how we spend our time.
- Some things we will discover that we can do without.
- Time is more valuable than mommy. We can spend money and get it back. We cannot spend time and get time back.
- The One who gives us time is the One we should look to for answers on how to spend our time.
- The One who made us is the One who can fix us.
- If we are going to make most use of our time, we need to ask God.
- The more we have of something, the harder the decisions are.
- The rich fool did not bother to ask God what he should do with his time. - Mar 22, 2020Stay Focused
Mar 22, 2020Stay FocusedSeries: General2 Chronicles 20:3-12,14-22
- This disease can cause us dis-ease. Stay focused. Don't let it.
- Don't saturate yourself with the news.
- Don't be distracted by what is going on.
- In addition to the distraction, we also have idleness.
- Peter was overcoming storms because he kept his eyes on Jesus.
- Distractions, uncertainty and idleness will take our focus off of God.
- We have no power against the virus.
- When we don't have power, when we don't know what to do - we have to stay focused on God.
- We have to be still and know God. We cannot know God if our hearts and minds are racing 1000 miles an hour.
- The people of God got the victory because they kept their focus.How to keep our focus1- Keep looking to God. (Psalm 121:-2, 123:1-2, 25:15)
- Avoid looking at things that won't help you. (Psalm 101:3,119:37)
- Faith will get us through this.
- Faith will allow us to hold on until God's mercy steps in. (Hebrews 3:1)
2 - Guard your heart. (John 14:1, Proverbs 4:23, Psalm 112:1, 4-8)
- When we guard our heart, and our heart is fixed on God, even bad news doesn't move us.
3- Remember God loves you. (Psalm 91:14-16)
- God makes a promise to those who love Him.
- Because you focus on Him, remain focused on Him, He will deliver you. - Mar 18, 2020Worry, Fear and Anxiety
Mar 18, 2020Worry, Fear and AnxietySeries: Bible StudyMatthew 6:25-34
- Things we can't control, uncertain about, frighten us, makes us worry.
- A lot of our worry is rooted in our lack of control.
- Be anxious for nothing. NO THING we should be anxious about.
- Worry is a sin. Anything that God tells us to do is a commandment.
- The magnitude of a thing doesn't change how God wants us to live.
- Three times in one passage of Scripture, Jesus says do not worry.
- Jesus was emphasizing that we do not need to worry about provision.
- Worry takes away from your life. It does not add to us or put us in a better place.
- Worrying is useless.- Worrying leaves us in the same place.- Worrying is faithless.
- We cannot worry and trust at the same time. When worry comes in, trust goes out.
- When we are not anxious, the peace of God is with us.
- As children of God we should not get caught up in things like the world does.
- We must not undervalue who we are to God.
- The relationship we have with God is One of Truth.
- The Truth shall make us free. From everything - even worry.
- We cannot allow all the noise of the world to take our eyes off God.
- Some of us are losing this battle in life, because we refuse to give up the ball. - Mar 15, 2020The Report of the Lord
Mar 15, 2020The Report of the LordSeries: GeneralIsaiah 53:1,43:6-7; Numbers 13:26-32,14:11-23,36-37; Psalm 106:24; Hebrews 10:36-39; Philippians 4:8; 2 Kings 7:1-2,16-20; Joshua 3:17-4:1; 5:2-5
- The report that the spies gave was an evil report. Any report that contradicts the Word of God is an evil report. God sees an evil report as slander.
- In critical times God will not wink at our sin.
- God created us to give Him. glory. We cannot do that if we are giving evil reports.
- By giving an evil report, it showed that they did not believe Him.
- An evil report is evident of disbelief.
- God takes no pleasure in those who turn away.
- If we take a good report and turn it into an evil report, we bring upon our own destruction.
- We spend too much time thinking and meditating on the report of the world, report of the doctor, but not enough time speaking and meditating on the report of the Lord.
- The blessed man spends time meditating on the Word of the Lord.
- The arm of the Lord is the power of the Lord.
- The power of the Lord is revealed to those who believe the report of the Lord.
- If we do not believe the report of the Lord we will not see God's power.
- An officer died because he did not believe the report of the Lord.
- Some of our blessings are on delay because we do not believe the report of the Lord.
- If we are going to go from the wilderness into our promise, we are going to have to pass clean. Believing the report of the Lord.
- The old man cannot come and be in the promised land. - Mar 11, 2020Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 4) “Who We Are in God”
Mar 11, 2020Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 4) “Who We Are in God”Series: Bible StudyNumbers 13:31-33, Deuteronomy 28:13; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Philippians 4:13; Romans 8:37; James 4:7; l John 5:1-5; Psalm 23:4; Mark 10:27, 9: 23
- The God in us is stronger than any human could ever be.
- When we think of ourselves as small, others see us the same way.
- God will make us the head and not the tail. It is conditional, but Jesus fulfilled the conditions.
- We need to say about ourselves, what God has already said.
- It does not matter what we used to be.
-Just because you have failed in the past, does not mean you are a failure.
- We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us. The anointing.
- We are more than able.
- We have ability to spare.
- We are demon chasers.
- Power begins with submission.
- We get strength from the presence of the Father.
- We believe in Christ, we overcome.
- We are unafraid. In the face of danger, we need to say we are unafraid because God is with us.
- With God all things are possible. All things are possible for those who believe. Nothing is impossible for God.
- We are doers of the impossible. - Mar 8, 2020He Restores Our Soul
Mar 8, 2020He Restores Our SoulSeries: GeneralPsalm 23,19:7,92:12-14; Matthew 11:28-30
- God is our Shepherd. And He is our Host. We are honored guests at His table.- As children of God, we are entitled. Not because of what we have done but because of what Jesus has done.
- When we don't know what to pray we can certainly pray the Bible, Psalm 23, Psalm 91.- We need spiritual restoration, God does it.- Rest and doing nothing are not the equivalent.
- We cannot restore ourselves because we did not make ourselves.
- We have to become better at receiving.
- God causes our life to return.
- We need to develop the habit of going to God first. And going to Him often.
- God helps us to catch our breath.
- We should not be trying to catch up with our life.
- We should ask God on a daily basis to restore our soul.
- The more strength we will have, the closer we walk with Him. He restores us.
- The Word of God restores our soul, our whole person.
- Jesus did not go to the cross, for life to weary us.
- We will not recover our life going on a vacation. God restores us.
- Some of the things are call rest, is not real rest. - Mar 4, 2020Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 3)
Mar 4, 2020Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 3)Series: Bible Study1 Samuel 17:32,11,24-51; Matthew 16:5-9
- Challenges come to our lives and many of us get scared.
- We must not run away from our problems.
- We must not make the mistake of magnifying our problem.- We have a covenant with God. We have promises from God.
- We have to remember we have a relationship with the true and living God.
- When we are facing challenges and obstacles, many times we have to overcome opposition from those closest to us.
- Whatever obstacles we are facing, we must not worry.
- It's important that we remember what God has done.
- When we face challenges and obstacles we can't always do what someone else has done.
- Don't try and fight your problems with your own strength.
- We can't overcome our challenges and obstacles if we don't run out to meet them.
- Use your mouth to bring things to pass. Confess your victory before you even get started. - Mar 1, 2020God Has Anointed You
Mar 1, 2020God Has Anointed YouSeries: GeneralMatthew 10:13-17; Psalm 105:8-15; 2 Corinthians 1:21; Acts 10:38; Colossians 1:25-27; 1 John 2:20; 1 Corinthians 1:20-22,26-27; Isaiah 10:24-27
- We are anointed because we are Christians.
- When God said touch not my anointed ones, He was referring to us.
- If he succeeds he has us. We have to know who we are.
- God has anointed us to go around healing people, doing good and delivering them from the works of the enemy,
- The enemy wants to attack our identity.
_ It's the Truth that we know which makes us free.
- We have an anointing to know the Truth.
- There is going to come a day where the burden and the yoke will be destroyed.