John 20:24-29; 2 Corinthians 4:13; Hebrews 11:1,10:19-23; Jeremiah 14:9; Job 3:10; Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:8
- Believers don't operate by believing and seeing. We operate by seeing and speaking.
- Believers are to look at the not seen things.
- So much of faith is based on what we don't see.
- We have to avoid operating by our feelings.
- Feelings have a place, but we have to keep them in their place.
- God gave us our feelings, but we are not to be led by them or live according to our feelings.
- Feelings should not have supremacy over our faith.
- Jul 8, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 7)
Jul 8, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 7)Series: Bible StudyGetting out of Your Flesh
John 20:24-29; 2 Corinthians 4:13; Hebrews 11:1,10:19-23; Jeremiah 14:9; Job 3:10; Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:8
- Believers don't operate by believing and seeing. We operate by seeing and speaking.
- Believers are to look at the not seen things.
- So much of faith is based on what we don't see.
- We have to avoid operating by our feelings.
- Feelings have a place, but we have to keep them in their place.
- God gave us our feelings, but we are not to be led by them or live according to our feelings.
- Feelings should not have supremacy over our faith. - Jul 2, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 6)
Jul 2, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 6)Series: Bible StudyJames 1:2-4; Hebrews 11; Romans 5:3-5; Proverbs 24:10; Job 23:10, 42:5
- We need to learn how to allow adversity to strengthen our faith.
- It's not the testing only that brings the patience, it's how you take the test.
- Adversity is a revealer. It reveals where we are in faith.
- God uses adversity to accomplish His will.
- Many times adversity will drive us back to the will of God.
- He also uses it to develop the character of Christ.
- Suffering precedes the resurrection.
- Adversity is God's way of getting our attention.
- Adversity encourages us to lean on God's strength.
- Adversity purifies our faith.
- Adversity points us towards God.
- We will keep our integrity if we allow adversity to teach us.
- If we take adversity the right way, it will cause us to see God.
- Adversity is not here to destroy us - it's here to build us up.
- "Lord, do not let the pain I am going through be wasted." - Jun 24, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 5)
Jun 24, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 5)Series: Bible Study
"What Happens When Our Mountains Don't Move"
Mark 11:20-26; Hebrews 12
-If mountains aren't moving, we need to ask ourselves the question, are we having faith? Are we walking in love? Faith works by love.
- Do we have doubt? We have to guard our hearts against the infiltration of doubt.
- Many times our mountains aren't moving is because we are not speaking to it.
- Once we say something we need to believe what we say.
- Once we believe a thing, that thing becomes settled in us
- We need to acknowledge the sin that is in our life.
- We need to acknowledge that God's will is sovereign.
- Could be that God has something better for us that we are not ready to receive.
- We need to remember the importance of persistence. Keep praying. Faith looks funny.
- Keep trusting God. Absolute confidence that God will not fail
- Ask God to open our eyes.
- Stay thankful. A thankful spirit and an open heart leaves you open to receive from God at any moment.
- Don't despair.
- Resistance always makes us stronger. - Jun 17, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 4)
Jun 17, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 4)Series: Bible StudyMark 11:2-26; Matthew 6:33- We have to start from a position of faith.
- The first thing we have to do is say something.
- Believers speak. We cannot be a silent believer.
- We want to up our gain, but we need to up our game.
- It's not okay to have doubt if you want to move mountains.
- You can't hope for the best AND prepare for the worse.
- We have to believe when we pray.
- We have to take I exams. Examine ourselves.
- The real mountains in our lives are those things that are blocking our view from seeing God.
- In order to be added to, we have to have something.
- If we can't see the King, we won't see the Kingdom,
- The Kingdom draws things to us.
- A lot of times we look at our mountains.
- Our mountains are our additions.
- What is keeping us from seeing the King? - Jun 10, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 3)
- Jun 3, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 2)
Jun 3, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith (Part 2)Series: Bible Study
Genesis 12:1-5; 11:27-32, 12: 10-16; 13:1-2,5-12,14-18; Romans 4:16; Galatians 3:9,13-14,29
- Our minds must be renewed. It is our renewed minds that adhere to the Word of God.
- God called Abraham out, from, and unto.
- God did not save us so we can stay right where we are.
- God is calling us out of something and unto something else.
- Complacency and faith don't mix.
- Just because there's a delay in our journey doesn't mean God's command is no longer valid.
- God is always trying to get things to us. Abraham did not lose anything.
- Abram resolved the conflict after God blessed them both and strife broke out.
- God calls us to leave the familiar.
- Faith requires a willingness to change.
- God is working on our willingness and obedience.
- We cannot stay where we are and more onward and upward with God.
- We can't be afraid of losing our stuff to God.
- Wherever God is calling us to is better than where we are.
- If we are a faith person, we are a grace person. - May 27, 2020Building A Foundation of Faith
May 27, 2020Building A Foundation of FaithSeries: Bible Study
Matthew 1:24-27; Romans 10:11; Luke 8:49-50; Acts 20:17-24; 2 Corinthians 4:13 (Referencing Psalm 116:10)
- What is different about our houses is the foundation.
- Storms of life hit both of the houses.
- We can't be just using the Word to show we have knowledge.
- Whether or not we are standing in faith only shows in the storm.
- Foundations prove themselves in storms.
- The Word has to be first in your life. It must be an essential part in each day.
- Our spirit man must be fed.
- We cannot continue to live off of a Word we heard last year. We must continue to feed our Spirit.
- When the foundation is built, certain things become second nature.
- We must hear and hear the Word.
- We cannot be faith giants without putting the time in.
- We have to hear the Word and do the Word.
- In order to take Jesus at His Word you have to have a foundation of faith.
- Nothing will move you if you have a foundation of faith.
- We have to speak the Word.
- When you have a foundation of faith, you don't just believe, hear, and do, you speak.
- Words were not just meant to communicate, they were made to create. - May 20, 2020Don’t Overdo It
May 20, 2020Don’t Overdo ItSeries: Bible Study
Luke 6:1-5; Deuteronomy 23:24-25; 1 Samuel 21:1-6
- If we get too complicated or sophisticated we may lose God.
- God is both simple and amazing.
- It's not about being technical with what God says, it's about walking in love.
- It's not about knowing Scripture, it's about rightly dividing it. God wants us to be discerning not
- The purpose of the Sabbath was not just about refraining from work, but to worship God.
- We may not get the results we want, because we may not be walking in love. We may be overdoing it.
- In simplicity comes the power. - Apr 29, 2020Guard Your Heart
Apr 29, 2020Guard Your HeartSeries: Bible StudyHebrews 12:15, Matthew 12: 22-28; Proverbs 14:30, James 3:14-15; Ephesians 4:31-32; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
- We get offended far too often.
- Taking an offense causes division,
- If the poison is inside of us, it hurts us more than the other person.
- The enemy tries his best to use bitterness, envy and jealousy,
- God wants us to be together.
- The struggle cannot be won alone.
- The devil is trying to poison our soul- our mind, body and emotions to cause division.
- The more we walk in love, the less we will be offended.
- Love compels us to do something we don't feel like doing.
- Bitterness and resentment is self defeating.
- Bitterness and resentment can aggravate and cause physical ailments
- Bitterness gets in and relationships will suffer.
- No one can have peace with bitterness in their heart.
- Envy, jealousy and wrath is like rottenness to the bones.
- There needs to be a new you coming out of this pandemic.
- We need to get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger and every form of malice.
- Love does not keep a record of wrongs.
- If we truly have the love of Jesus in our heart, we will not let bitterness take hold. - Apr 22, 2020Set Apart
Apr 22, 2020Set ApartSeries: Bible StudyJohn 17:17, 15:6; Ephesians 5:24, Exodus 8:20-24, 9:1 -6,25-24,11:6-7,15:3; Jeremiah 1:5, 17:7-8; Isaiah 48:17; Genesis 26:1-2,6
- What sets us apart as Christians is the Truth.
- God says we are set apart, how dare we say anything else.
- If God says He chose us, that makes us chosen.
- We cannot stay and sulk - we have to stay and sow where we are.
- God taught Isaac how to prosper in the midst of a famine.
- We only need one like.
- God anoints our head with oil. That means we are treated like an honored guest.
How do we live set apart?
- Contend for the faith.
-The Word of God sets us apart.