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Feb 26, 2020
Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 2)
Series: Bible Study
  • Feb 26, 2020Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 2)
    Feb 26, 2020
    Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 2)
    Series: Bible Study
    Ephesians 2:11-13; Jeremiah 32:27; Isaiah 41:10,43; John 6:63,10:10; Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4; Deuteronomy 32:46-47; Psalm 119:105
    - Everybody doesn't want to win because they are not willing to put in the work required to win.
    - God is bigger than our problem. There is nothing that is too hard for Him.
    - When we have issues and challenges in our lives, we must not underestimate the importance of going to the Word of God.
    - Many of the issues we have in our lives are spiritual problems.
    - We cannot overcome spiritual things in our flesh - which is why we need the Word of God.
    - If we are trying to figure out the answer to our problems, we are relying on our self.
    - Don't figure it out, search it out.  The words are spirit and life.
    - The just shall live by faith.
    - Faith comes by hearing, hearing by The Word of God.
    - Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from God's mouth.
    - The word is our life.
    - The word is a lamp unto our feet. We can see things that trip us up.
    - It's great to get out of a problem, it's better to avoid them.
    - The Word of God will change the way we think.
    - When we start to think like God, we speak like God.
  • Feb 23, 2020Be Ready
    Feb 23, 2020
    Be Ready
    Series: General
    Matthew 25:1-13; 24:36,42-44; Numbers 14:37-45; Acts 12:5-16
    - Being ready when Jesus returns. No one knows the day or the hour.
    - Be ready when God moves in our situation.
    - When God starts to open doors, will you be ready?
    - Every one of us is personally responsible for ourselves.
    - When God moves in our lives, it may not be at our convenience.
    - We need a power source to generate light. We need the oil of the Holy Ghost in order that our lamps would be lit.
    - The lamps are our lives. The oil is the Holy Spirit.
    - We can't give away our oil to people who have the same opportunity to get it.
    - Gaining oil requires sacrifice.
    - People can drain us if we let them.
    - If we allow people to take our oil, there will be none left for neither of you.
    - We are personally responsible for our own oil supply. 
    - The God who supplies the oil will give it to you freely.
    - We can have some oil. We can be low on oil, but we cannot go as far as someone whose tank is full.
    - In order to do what God has called you to do, you need to be full of oil.
    - When Jesus shows up, He takes the ones who are ready.  Those who were not ready, the door was shut.
    - There was a time for the children of Israel to go.
    - God is going to move in our lives we need to be ready. Our lamps need to be filled.
    - Being ready is not as easy as it appears.  We need the help of God.
    - The believers were praying and still almost missed Peter knocking.
    - Don't quench the Holy Spirit.
    - Keep spending time with God, keep giving. keep praying, keep meditating on the word.
  • Feb 19, 2020Facing and Overcoming Challenges
    Feb 19, 2020
    Facing and Overcoming Challenges
    Series: Bible Study
    Ephesians 2:11-13; Psalm 145:-3; Luke 11:14-20; Proverbs 18:10; 2 Chronicles 21:20; Psalm 8:3-4,139:17-18; Deuteronomy 3:22; Joshua 1:9; Hebrews 13:5; Numbers 14:9-14
    - Good success is when you can accomplish other things in your life.
    - If we don't know how to face other challenges we won't know how to win.
    - With no God, you have no power, no privileges, no hope, no benefits, no promises, no advantages.  God is the difference maker.
    - If we don't know we have the power of God, we won't have power.
    - If we start in the wrong place we will end up in the wrong place.  We have to start with God.
    - In order to overcome our challenge, we must first face it.
    - God is bigger, greater and stronger than your problem.
    - The greatness of God is beyond our ability to understand.
    - Just a finger of God will cast a devil out of a man.
    - All God has to do is lift His finger and our problem is solved.
    - Always remember that God cares about you.
    - God wants us to have victory. But we cannot have victory if we don't compete.
    - God is with you. Emmanuel! 
    - In the face of perfection, God saw something that was not good.
    - God will never leave us or forsake us.
    - God is with you wherever you go.

  • Feb 16, 2020A Closer Walk With God
    Feb 16, 2020
    A Closer Walk With God
    Series: General
    Genesis 5:18-24; Hebrews 11:5
    - God desires a closer walk with Him.
    - The closer we walk with God the more we will be like Him and reflect His glory.
    - We can't have power if we are distant from God.
    - Enoch walked with God by faith, according to the Word and will of God.
    - Because Enoch walked with God, he had the heart of God.
    - Enoch walked in a way that pleased God.
    - When we walk by ourselves, we are vulnerable to the enemy's attacks.
    - The closer we walk with God, the more we are protected.
    - Before God took Enoch, he changed Enoch.
    - Whatever Enoch was, whatever he used to be, He was no longer.
    - The more we walk with God, the more we will be like Him. The more strength we will have. The more power. And the more we will reflect His glory.
  • Feb 12, 2020The Words We Speak
    Feb 12, 2020
    The Words We Speak
    Series: Bible Study
    Exodus 8:1-4,8-10; Numbers 13:32-33,14:1-4,24-30
    - Use your words to create the world you want.
    - The words that we use have power.
    - The more power we have the more care we must use.
    - If you don't want it, don't say it.
    - Pharoah had the ability to get rid of the frogs with his words.
    - Because of how we see ourselves, people will see us as such.
    - God is looking for people to speak His Word so that He can perform it.
    - Words produce fruit.
  • Feb 9, 2020Keep Praising God
    Feb 9, 2020
    Keep Praising God
    Series: General
    Matthew 21:12-16; Isaiah 6:7; Psalm 8:2
    - As we go through things, one of the most dangerous things that could happen is that we lose our praise.
    - The only requirement to praising God is having breath in our lungs.
    - Praise is strength and strength is praise. When we praise God, we have a strength that can only come from God.
    - The enemy of our soul does not want God to be praised.
    - The only one who does not us to cry out to God is the devil.
    - You bring God on the scene, when you praise Him.
    - God has ordained strength and perfected praise so that the enemy/the avenger might be stopped.
  • Feb 5, 2020Watch Your Mouth!
    Feb 5, 2020
    Watch Your Mouth!
    Series: Bible Study
    Proverbs 18:21, 29:20, 16:24, 21:23, 12:14, 4:23; Hebrews 11:3; James 1:19, 3:3-7; Psalm 141:3; Colossians 4:6
    - What we say affects more people than the actions we take.
    - There is a need to be careful with our words.
    - If Jesus is our example, we should be speaking words of life.
    - We don't have the ability to control what we say.
    - Let the words of my mouth be acceptable in thy sight.
    - God is giving us power to live the life that He is calling us to live.
    - Guarding our mouth keeps us out of trouble.
    - God has to renew our mind.
    - We have the ability to frame our world just as our heavenly Father framed His.
    - We can call all things forth.
    - Our words can speak peace and strength to our lives.
  • Feb 2, 2020What God Has Done
    Feb 2, 2020
    What God Has Done
    Series: General
    Genesis 17:1-5; Jeremiah 1:5; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Romans 4:16-21
    - We fight from the wrong vantage point.  We need to fight to keep.
    - Some of the things we are waiting for, is not for God to do it, but for us to get a different perspective.
    - We need to see what is going on in the spiritual world and not the natural.
    - God speaks in past tense, it's already done.
    - The enemy wants to steal, but he cannot take from us, what we don't already have.
    - God has done things for us that we don't even know is ours.
    - We don't fight for our healing, we already have it.  We fight to keep it.
    - We have to fight to keep the things we don't have.
    - How do we stay believing God when we don't see anything? Remember Abraham.
    - We have to make up our mind as to whether or not we believe God.
    - Belief is tested in the face of a contradiction.
    - We must not look at our situations, and call ourselves that.
    - Call things that be not as though they were.
    - No reason to hope, but yet hoping.
    - Do not consider your circumstances.
    - We cannot plan and think so much that we limit God.
    - We must not stagger at the promise of God.
    - We have to be fully persuaded.
  • Jan 29, 2020The Aftermath of the Tragedy of Kobe Bryant (Enjoy Your Life)
    Jan 29, 2020
    The Aftermath of the Tragedy of Kobe Bryant (Enjoy Your Life)
    Series: Bible Study
    John 10:10; Psalm 39:4, 1 Timothy 6:17; Ecclesiastes 5:18-20
    - Why do we resort back in just a few days after a tragedy?
    - We don't really want to accept that life is fleeting.
    - Queens and Kings should walk a certain way, an assuredness of who they are.
    - God wants to keep us busy enjoying life.
    - Whatever we practice we get better at.
    - Enjoying life is a decision.
    - Our ability to enjoy life is not dependent on other people.
  • Jan 26, 2020The Power of Perseverance
    Jan 26, 2020
    The Power of Perseverance
    Series: General
    Hebrews 12:1-3, Revelation 3:10, Romans 5:3-4; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Micah 7:5-7
    - To continue on with a course of action, despite the difficulty. (Little or no prospect of success.
    - Turn down opportunities to quit.
    - Quilters never win and winners never quit.
    - Jesus knew why He was hanging on the cross
    - The crowd could not shame Him of doing what God told Him to do.
    - Part of persevering is despising the shame.
    - No one can embarrass you if you refuse to be embarrassed.
    - Perseverance is more than showing up.
    - Even though it's spiritual it can be seen.
    - Perseverance is demonstrated through action.
    - Perseverance really is a key to accomplishment and achievement.
    - Perseverance requires fighting.
    - We have to fight the right enemy.
    - We have to use the right weapons.
    - We have to fight until the end.
    - We have to keep the faith.
    - God says because we have kept the command to persevere, God will keep us.
    - Perseverance is a requirement to develop godly character.
    - Don't give up on your dream or promise.
    - Surround yourself with people who can encourage you and build you up.
    - Don't forget to encourage yourself.
    - Keep your focus on God.
    - As we are persevering, where we decide to look will determine our success.