Aug 21, 2019
A Study of the Book of Malachi (Chapter 1)
Series: Bible Study
Chapter 1:1-5, Israel, Beloved of God
(Malachi - My Messenger.  The Book of Confrontation and Restoration)
- If we are going to confront, restoration must be a part of it.
- vs. 1 and 2, God starts off with "I have always loved you. Polluted Offerings, v.6-14
v.6-8, A son honors his father and a servant respects his master.  Where is God's honor if He is both Father and Master.
Leviticus 1:3 - The sacrifices that were made were with animals that we blind, stolen, lame and sick.
- Whatever we give to God must mean something to us.
- Are we giving God something that cost us nothing?
- God's looking for what it costs you.
  • Aug 21, 2019A Study of the Book of Malachi (Chapter 1)
    Aug 21, 2019
    A Study of the Book of Malachi (Chapter 1)
    Series: Bible Study
    Chapter 1:1-5, Israel, Beloved of God
    (Malachi - My Messenger.  The Book of Confrontation and Restoration)
    - If we are going to confront, restoration must be a part of it.
    - vs. 1 and 2, God starts off with "I have always loved you. Polluted Offerings, v.6-14
    v.6-8, A son honors his father and a servant respects his master.  Where is God's honor if He is both Father and Master.
    Leviticus 1:3 - The sacrifices that were made were with animals that we blind, stolen, lame and sick.
    - Whatever we give to God must mean something to us.
    - Are we giving God something that cost us nothing?
    - God's looking for what it costs you.
  • Jul 31, 2019Our Thoughts
    Jul 31, 2019
    Our Thoughts
    Series: Bible Study
    Romans 12:2 NLT; Deuteronomy 30:19; Proverbs 23:7; Matthew 12:34-35; Philippians 4:8
    - God transforms us by changing the way we think.  Nothing on the outside of us can change what we feel on the inside.
    - The enemy wants to capture our thoughts.
    - Three sources, God, the devil and us.
    - Replacement.  Replace the thoughts we have with that of God's.
  • Jul 3, 2019Take My Yoke (Part 3)
    Jul 3, 2019
    Take My Yoke (Part 3)
    Series: Bible Study
    Matthew 11:28-30; Psalm 55:22; 1 Peter 5:6-7; Mark 4:3-7; Luke 8:11-14; Philippians 4:6-7
    - We have to let our burdens go in order to receive Jesus rest.
    - When things are going crazy, the leaders are the ones who bring things down.
    - We must not internalize things.  We will create a burden that we are carrying around.
  • Jun 26, 2019Take My Yoke (Part 2)
    Jun 26, 2019
    Take My Yoke (Part 2)
    Series: Bible Study
    Matthew 11:28-20, 23:1-4
    -Jesus will take out stuff and give us rest.
    - Rest, cease working, relax, recover strength, take a break.
    - When we obey God, we will find rest.
    - When we come to Jesus with our issues, He will give us rest.
    - It's easy because we don't have to work our way into anything.
    - Pharisees were putting on burdens. 
  • Jun 19, 2019Take My Yoke
    Jun 19, 2019
    Take My Yoke
    Series: Bible Study
    Matthew 11:28-30
    - We have to come to Jesus with our stuff and He will give us His rest.
    - We need to come to Jesus the same way we come to a friend.
    - Jesus does not burden us.
    - Jesus is not going to take our burdens and give us new ones.
  • Jun 5, 2019Remembering Joseph (Enjoy Life)
    Jun 5, 2019
    Remembering Joseph (Enjoy Life)
    Series: Bible Study
    Psalm 90, emphasis v. 12; Luke 16:1-8
    - Enjoy life while we can.
    - Life is fleeting.
    - God is outside of tine, but we yet need to count the time.
  • May 22, 2019Be Who God Made You to Be
    May 22, 2019
    Be Who God Made You to Be
    Series: Bible Study
    Psalm 139:14; Romans 12:2; Daniel 6:1; Matthew 5:14-16; 1 Peter 2:9
    - Being different doesn't mean you're wrong.
    - Being the you that others want you to be is not going to fulfill you.
    - If we going to make adjustments and changes we need to look to the One Who made us.
    - Another human being does not have the right to form or fashion us.  We are God's property.
    - Be who you are are, the greatest litmus test of those who really care about you.
    - If you celebrate me because I decided to get on my God-ordained path, then I know you're with me.
  • May 15, 2019So You Want More (The Parable of the Talents)
    May 15, 2019
    So You Want More (The Parable of the Talents)
    Series: Bible Study
    Matthew 25:14-23; Luke 16:10-12,19:12-19
    - The way to get to a place called more is how you deal with a placed called less.
    - God looks at how we treat little to see if He can give us much.
    - You will go from servant to rule because of how you handle the lesser things.
    - God sees how you act in places called least, less and obscure.
    - More authority, be faithful over little.
    - The way we treat small things is a reflection of what is going on in the heart.
  • May 8, 2019Sir, We Would See Jesus
    May 8, 2019
    Sir, We Would See Jesus
    Series: Bible Study
    John 12:20-21; Matthew 2:1-2
    - Do we want to see Jesus?  Or do we just want to hear a Word?  Don't try to separate the Word from Jesus.
    - Those who want to see Jesus, want to worship.
    - Let Jesus be seen in you.
  • Apr 24, 2019The God of The HILLS and The VALLEYS
    Apr 24, 2019
    The God of The HILLS and The VALLEYS
    Series: Bible Study
    1 Kings 20:23; Acts 10:36