Apr 16, 2020
Answering the Bell
Series: Bible Study
Matthew 25:35-40, Proverbs 18:2; James 1:27, Isaiah 1:10-17; Psalm 146:9
- We have to be careful in adopting the language of the world.
- Something is wrong with "social distancing."  There is nothing social about distancing yourself.
- What we are doing is anti-social.
- We are being told to practice social distancing.  Anything we practice we get better at.
- Follow the protocol of the science, but do not allow yourself to get better at social distancing.
- We won't know how good we have become at social distancing until God puts us in a situation not to.
- We cannot meet the needs of the least of these if we become good at social distancing.
- There is nothing normal about distancing yourself from other human beings.
  • Apr 16, 2020Answering the Bell
    Apr 16, 2020
    Answering the Bell
    Series: Bible Study
    Matthew 25:35-40, Proverbs 18:2; James 1:27, Isaiah 1:10-17; Psalm 146:9
    - We have to be careful in adopting the language of the world.
    - Something is wrong with "social distancing."  There is nothing social about distancing yourself.
    - What we are doing is anti-social.
    - We are being told to practice social distancing.  Anything we practice we get better at.
    - Follow the protocol of the science, but do not allow yourself to get better at social distancing.
    - We won't know how good we have become at social distancing until God puts us in a situation not to.
    - We cannot meet the needs of the least of these if we become good at social distancing.
    - There is nothing normal about distancing yourself from other human beings.
  • Apr 8, 2020Looking Unto Jesus
    Apr 8, 2020
    Looking Unto Jesus
    Series: Bible Study
    - True gratitude expresses itself in generosity.
    - When we are so grateful that God has been merciful unto us, we are so willing to give it to somebody else.
    - There is no place for shorthand when it comes to the word of God.
    - We tend to romanticize the cross.
    - The cross represented the ultimate in shame.
    - We need to work on our endurance as good soldiers.
    - If we don't consider what Jesus has done, we will be discouraged and faint in our sores.
    - When Ziklag is burning you have to encourage yourself in the Lord.
  • Apr 1, 2020Catching the Vision
    Apr 1, 2020
    Catching the Vision
    Series: Bible Study
    Proverbs 29:18;  2 Corinthians 4:18, 5:7; Genesis 13:14-16,15:5-6; Matthew 16:13-17, Joshua 6:1 -2
    - The vision is spiritual.
    - If we do not catch the vision, we will perish. If we catch the vision, we will enjoy life.
    - The vision we catch for our life is not visual, it's supernatural.
    - God says do not look at the natural.
    - Looking at something means we purposely see it.
    - God calls us to see the unseen.
    - We do not walk by what we see with our natural eyes.
    - Because we see what is not seen, is faith.
    - Vision means seeing with our spiritual eyes.
    - We can see things without using our natural eyes. That's what it takes to catch the vision from God.
    - In order to catch the vision, it requires a revelation from God.
    -mPeter got a revelation because something was revealed by God.
    - Have to spend time with God.
    - We have to see what God tells us.
    - We have to believe.
    - God does not want us to see what the world is trying to show us. He wants us to see the light in the darkness, see the provision, see the healing, see the grace and mercy.
  • Mar 25, 2020Redeeming the Time
    Mar 25, 2020
    Redeeming the Time
    Series: Bible Study

    Ephesians 5:15-17; James 4:13-15; Proverbs 27:1; Luke 12:16-21
    - Redeem - Buy up to rescue from loss - regain possession of it.
    - We need to regain possession of the time. We have allowed time to get away from us.
    - This is an opportunity to consider how we spend our time.
    - Some things we will discover that we can do without.
    - Time is more valuable than mommy. We can spend money and get it back. We cannot spend time and get time back.
    - The One who gives us time is the One we should look to for answers on how to spend our time.
    - The One who made us is the One who can fix us.
    - If we are going to make most use of our time, we need to ask God.
    - The more we have of something, the harder the decisions are.
    - The rich fool did not bother to ask God what he should do with his time.

  • Mar 18, 2020Worry, Fear and Anxiety
    Mar 18, 2020
    Worry, Fear and Anxiety
    Series: Bible Study
    Matthew 6:25-34
    - Things we can't control, uncertain about, frighten us, makes us worry.
    - A lot of our worry is rooted in our lack of control.
    - Be anxious for nothing. NO THING we should be anxious about.
    - Worry is a sin. Anything that God tells us to do is a commandment.
    - The magnitude of a thing doesn't change how God wants us to live.
    - Three times in one passage of Scripture, Jesus says do not worry.
    - Jesus was emphasizing that we do not need to worry about provision.
    - Worry takes away from your life. It does not add to us or put us in a better place.
    - Worrying is useless.
    - Worrying leaves us in the same place.
    - Worrying is faithless.
    - We cannot worry and trust at the same time. When worry comes in, trust goes out.
    - When we are not anxious, the peace of God is with us.
    - As children of God we should not get caught up in things like the world does.
    - We must not undervalue who we are to God.
    - The relationship we have with God is One of Truth.
    - The Truth shall make us free.  From everything - even worry.
    - We cannot allow all the noise of the world to take our eyes off God.
    - Some of us are losing this battle in life, because we refuse to give up the ball.


  • Mar 11, 2020Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 4) “Who We Are in God”
    Mar 11, 2020
    Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 4) “Who We Are in God”
    Series: Bible Study
    Numbers 13:31-33, Deuteronomy 28:13; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Philippians 4:13; Romans 8:37; James 4:7; l John 5:1-5; Psalm 23:4; Mark 10:27, 9: 23

    - The God in us is stronger than any human could ever be.
    - When we think of ourselves as small, others see us the same way.
    - God will make us the head and not the tail. It is conditional, but Jesus fulfilled the conditions.
    - We need to say about ourselves, what God has already said.
    - It does not matter what we used to be.
    -Just because you have failed in the past, does not mean you are a failure.
    - We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us. The anointing.
    - We are more than able.
    - We have ability to spare.
    - We are demon chasers.
    - Power begins with submission.
    - We get strength from the presence of the Father.
    - We believe in Christ, we overcome.
    - We are unafraid. In the face of danger, we need to say we are unafraid because God is with us.
    - With God all things are possible. All things are possible for those who believe. Nothing is impossible for God.
    - We are doers of the impossible.

  • Mar 4, 2020Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 3)
    Mar 4, 2020
    Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 3)
    Series: Bible Study
    1 Samuel 17:32,11,24-51; Matthew 16:5-9
    - Challenges come to our lives and many of us get scared.
    - We must not run away from our problems.
    - We must not make the mistake of magnifying our problem.
    - We have a covenant with God. We have promises from God.
    - We have to remember we have a relationship with the true and living God.
    - When we are facing challenges and obstacles, many times we have to overcome opposition from those closest to us.
    - Whatever obstacles we are facing, we must not worry.
    - It's important that we remember what God has done.
    - When we face challenges and obstacles we can't always do what someone else has done.
    - Don't try and fight your problems with your own strength.
    - We can't overcome our challenges and obstacles if we don't run out to meet them.
    - Use your mouth to bring things to pass.  Confess your victory before you even get started.


  • Feb 26, 2020Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 2)
    Feb 26, 2020
    Facing and Overcoming Challenges (Part 2)
    Series: Bible Study
    Ephesians 2:11-13; Jeremiah 32:27; Isaiah 41:10,43; John 6:63,10:10; Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4; Deuteronomy 32:46-47; Psalm 119:105
    - Everybody doesn't want to win because they are not willing to put in the work required to win.
    - God is bigger than our problem. There is nothing that is too hard for Him.
    - When we have issues and challenges in our lives, we must not underestimate the importance of going to the Word of God.
    - Many of the issues we have in our lives are spiritual problems.
    - We cannot overcome spiritual things in our flesh - which is why we need the Word of God.
    - If we are trying to figure out the answer to our problems, we are relying on our self.
    - Don't figure it out, search it out.  The words are spirit and life.
    - The just shall live by faith.
    - Faith comes by hearing, hearing by The Word of God.
    - Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from God's mouth.
    - The word is our life.
    - The word is a lamp unto our feet. We can see things that trip us up.
    - It's great to get out of a problem, it's better to avoid them.
    - The Word of God will change the way we think.
    - When we start to think like God, we speak like God.
  • Feb 19, 2020Facing and Overcoming Challenges
    Feb 19, 2020
    Facing and Overcoming Challenges
    Series: Bible Study
    Ephesians 2:11-13; Psalm 145:-3; Luke 11:14-20; Proverbs 18:10; 2 Chronicles 21:20; Psalm 8:3-4,139:17-18; Deuteronomy 3:22; Joshua 1:9; Hebrews 13:5; Numbers 14:9-14
    - Good success is when you can accomplish other things in your life.
    - If we don't know how to face other challenges we won't know how to win.
    - With no God, you have no power, no privileges, no hope, no benefits, no promises, no advantages.  God is the difference maker.
    - If we don't know we have the power of God, we won't have power.
    - If we start in the wrong place we will end up in the wrong place.  We have to start with God.
    - In order to overcome our challenge, we must first face it.
    - God is bigger, greater and stronger than your problem.
    - The greatness of God is beyond our ability to understand.
    - Just a finger of God will cast a devil out of a man.
    - All God has to do is lift His finger and our problem is solved.
    - Always remember that God cares about you.
    - God wants us to have victory. But we cannot have victory if we don't compete.
    - God is with you. Emmanuel! 
    - In the face of perfection, God saw something that was not good.
    - God will never leave us or forsake us.
    - God is with you wherever you go.

  • Feb 12, 2020The Words We Speak
    Feb 12, 2020
    The Words We Speak
    Series: Bible Study
    Exodus 8:1-4,8-10; Numbers 13:32-33,14:1-4,24-30
    - Use your words to create the world you want.
    - The words that we use have power.
    - The more power we have the more care we must use.
    - If you don't want it, don't say it.
    - Pharoah had the ability to get rid of the frogs with his words.
    - Because of how we see ourselves, people will see us as such.
    - God is looking for people to speak His Word so that He can perform it.
    - Words produce fruit.