2 Kings 13:14-20; Philippians 4:12-13
- Too many times we fail to connect what we are hearing to what we heard.
- God builds, faith to faith, precept by precept.
- We are to give the more earnest heed to the Word we heard.
- How many times have we just stopped doing something? Might have to reconsider that we may not have something, because we have stopped.
- Jesus honors consistency.
Luke 11:5-8
- If we just continue in whatever we are doing, we will eventually get to our destination.
- May 26, 2021Living By Faith, Part 15 “Faith to Get it Done”
May 26, 2021Living By Faith, Part 15 “Faith to Get it Done”Series: Bible Study
2 Kings 13:14-20; Philippians 4:12-13
- Too many times we fail to connect what we are hearing to what we heard.
- God builds, faith to faith, precept by precept.
- We are to give the more earnest heed to the Word we heard.
- How many times have we just stopped doing something? Might have to reconsider that we may not have something, because we have stopped.
- Jesus honors consistency.
Luke 11:5-8
- If we just continue in whatever we are doing, we will eventually get to our destination. - May 12, 2021Living By Faith, Part 14 “Being Bold and Courageous”
May 12, 2021Living By Faith, Part 14 “Being Bold and Courageous”Series: Bible Study
Matthew 14:26-29; Proverbs 28:1
- Living by faith is a command of God that cannot be filled by our natural abilities.
- People of God who walk in obedience to His Word do not have to put on outward displays,
Hebrews 4:16; Joshua 1:6-7, 9
- We don't have to put on the bold, boldness is already in us.
Ephesians 3:12
- We have boldness, access and confidence all given to us by faith in Jesus Christ.
(Sometimes we don't get the flash we just get the glimmer).
- When God speaks, that's all the confirmation you need.
- Staying out of the boat, or staying in the boat can require boldness.
- Boldness doesn't always look the same. - May 5, 2021Living By Faith, Part 13 “Let the Word Work”
May 5, 2021Living By Faith, Part 13 “Let the Word Work”Series: Bible Study
Mark 4:26-29,13; Genesis 1:11-12
- The kingdom of God is in us.
- What we do is essential to the kingdom of God operating.
- The seed will work in ways that man cannot understand.
Genesis 8:22
- Some of our roots have to go in the ground further, so that it can support the growth of what has been planted.
Matthew 12:35
- The heart brings forth. If we get the Word in our heart, our heart will bring forth that which is contained in The Word.
- We have to trust the process.
Isaiah 55:11
God's word always produces fruit. - Apr 28, 2021Living By Faith , Part 12 “Faith to Stand”
Apr 28, 2021Living By Faith , Part 12 “Faith to Stand”Series: Bible Study
Daniel 3:16-30; Exodus 20:2-5
- One of the hardest things for us to do is to be quiet. We don't have to answer everything.
- A great sign of power is restraint.
- We have to learn to let God fight our battles.
- Our faith should be in God's ability.
- Is our faith in God's ability or is it in will God do it?
- Sometimes God does not do what He is able to do.
- We need to have God-based ethics and not situational rurality.
- Taking a stand for God requires faith.
- We need faith to refuse to bow.
- We need to make sure the Word is in us.
- No one can bind us if God wants us free.
- It's our obedience and our faith that brings the fire.
- We need to refuse to take the easy way out.
- We have to remember that God will be with us in the fire.
Isaiah 43:1-3
- We may be in the fire, but God will get us out. - Apr 21, 2021Living By Faith, Part 11 “Doers of the Word, Part 2”
Apr 21, 2021Living By Faith, Part 11 “Doers of the Word, Part 2”Series: Bible Study
James 2:14-26; Ephesians 2:8-10; Romans 4:1-5; Hebrews 11:4,5,7-9,11,17,23-27; Matthew 21:28-32
- If we have the faith that saves us, then that faith would be seen by our works.
- Simply saying be warm and be filled is not demonstrative of our faith. Faith is demonstrated by action.
- If we are really saved, we will have some works,
- Good works reveal what is going on in our hearts.
- There is a difference in knowing God and obeying Him.
- Faith requires a corresponding action.
- We need to have acts of obedience to back up our belief- our faith.
- The good works that we do complete our faith.
- Faith alone saves, but faith that saves is never alone. -John Calvin
- There is always a doing behind the faith.
- We pray for relief by faith, when God answers, we must do something.
- God looks for us to do something behind the faith we profess.
- God cannot say well done, if we're not doing anything. - Apr 14, 2021Living By Faith, Part 10 “Doers of the Word”
Apr 14, 2021Living By Faith, Part 10 “Doers of the Word”Series: Bible Study
James 1:19-25; Proverbs 4:7; John 8:31; Hebrews 2:1; Luke 11:27-28; Matthew 7:21-26
- God saved us by His Word, so we should be quick to hear His Word.
- Our wrath will take us out of our right standing with God.
- Meekness, strength under control.
- The Word of God is a treasure that we need to receive with a gentle and humble spirit.
- Engrafted Word is a Word that is planted in our hearts.
- If we do not receive the engrafted Word of God the devil can come and steal it.
- A hearer only is forgetful of the Word heard.
The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-9,18-23; Mark 4:1-9,13-20; Luke 8:4-8,11-15)
Acts 8:26-40, Philip and the Eunuch
- The care of things can choke out the Word.
- Being productive is more than being active.
- A doer of the Word keeps the Word.
- One of the biggest differences between a doer and a hearer is doers are committed to the Word.
- In consistency, lies the power.
- True disciples show themselves in doing.
- The one who is blessed hears the Word and puts it into practice.
- Hearer only deceives themselves, is forgetful and is foolish.
- The hearer only crashes, the doer of the Word stands. - Apr 7, 2021After the Resurrection
Apr 7, 2021After the ResurrectionSeries: Bible Study
John 20:11-29, 21:1-14 ; Mark 15:43; Isaiah 51:12; Luke 24:13-32
- No improvisation with angels, say what the Lord says.
- We need to crave Jesus, remember Joseph of Arimathea.
- One of the first things Jesus did after the resurrection was comfort someone when they were sad.
- Jesus knows everything, but He still asks questions.
- After speaking to sorrow, Jesus then spoke to confusion.
- Jesus speaks peace to those who are fearful.
- Jesus came back 8 days later just for Thomas. God gives us special attention.
- We have a God who is interested in giving us a new beginning.
- Sometimes we're on the wrong side of things; we just need to change sides.
- Jesus satisfied their need. They went from nothing to more than enough.
- We have a God whose kind. - Mar 31, 2021Maundy Thursday
Mar 31, 2021Maundy ThursdaySeries: Bible Study
Luke 22:14-20, 39-43; John 13:1-15,31-35
- Jesus instituted Communion on Thursday.
- Communion can be taken at any time.
- Relationships are not about rules. Religion is about rules.
- Jesus gets upset when we make it harder to worship.
- We have to get comfortable with not knowing. God will reveal what we don't know hereafter.
- We have to avoid doing things just because of a ritual.
- We may be in authority over others, but God expects us to have a heart of servant leadership.
- God commands us to love one another as Jesus loved us.
- Communion, Servant Leadership, Love, Humility is what Jesus taught on Maundy Thursday.
- Humility is choosing God's will over our own,
- When we walk in humility, heaven shows up.
- Mar 24, 2021Overcoming Setbacks
Mar 24, 2021Overcoming SetbacksSeries: Bible Study
Romans 8:35-37; Psalm 32:2, 51:6, 37:23-24, 145:14:41:10; Galatians 1:10; Proverbs 16:18, 19:2; John 11:1-4,39-40,43; Micah 7:8
- If we love ourselves, we ought to be ourselves.
- One of the things we can do to avoid falling is being ourselves.
- When we try to be someone that we're not, we're operating in a spirit of deceit.
- We need to be true to who we are.
- We can please God by being who He made us to be.
- We can fall when we think we know more than God, by doing what we want, instead of what God tells us to do.
- When we fall, we have to realize there is a reason we fell in the first place.
- When we fall, we need to consider where we are before we try to get up.
- Glory takes time.
- There's no success without a failure.
- We don't need a lot of people; all we need is one.
- God will pick us up when we fall.
- We fall down, but we get up.
- Be Yourself.
- When you fall take your time getting up.
- If you fall, realize that you will rise again.
- Mar 17, 2021Living By Faith, Part 8 “Building Up Our Hope,” Part 2
Mar 17, 2021Living By Faith, Part 8 “Building Up Our Hope,” Part 2Series: Bible Study
1 Samuel 30:1-6, 7-16, 17-19; Habakkuk 3:17-19; Jeremiah 17:7-8; Psalm 16:8-9; Romans 15:4; Colossians 1:27; Exodus 33:17-19
- If there is nothing to hope for, then faith has nothing to do.
- It's a blessing to have people in your life to encourage you. But it's even better when you can encourage yourself.
- Every time we share the Word, it presents an opportunity to empower.
- We have to know that there is a way out of our situation.
- We need to push past our pain and turn to God for encouragement
- God is orchestrating right now to make sure we have what we need.
- David encouraged himself by seeking out God.
- Even in our strength, we need to have humility.
- The idea of encouraging yourself is in the face of adversity.
- Affliction can either destroy us or be our growth agent.
- When we have that confident expectation in the midst of the fire, God will show up.
- It's better to forgo the pity party and get into the presence of God.
- Stay in the Word. It will give us hope and comfort.
- Christ in you, the hope of glory.
- Christ is the confident expectation of the revealed goodness of God, which is why we can encourage ourselves.