Jan 5, 2020
Seeing With Eyes of Faith
Series: General
2 Kings 6:15-17; 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, 5:7; Genesis 21:10-17; Numbers 22:5-34; Joshua 6
- We are never outnumbered as people of God. One plus God is the majority.
- Seeing in the Spirit realm, changes your perspective and outlook.
- We don't ever want to get to a place where we are just seeing the natural.
- Prayer: "Lord, open my eyes that I may see."
- When we see with eyes of faith, we see things that are not seen.
- We don't need our eyes to see.
- We need to see ourselves in the unseen.
- When we pray according to God's will, He hears us and He responds.
- Loud praying is not effective praying if it is not in the will of God.
- When God open our eyes, we will see what is in the natural.
- The provision has always been there, Hagar just did not see it.
- When people tell you something opposed to the Word of God, they are cursing you.
- If someone curses you, you don't have to worry about it.
- We need to see so that we would know what God wants us to do.
- See resources, people, possibilities.
- God wants us to see His promises, but we need eyes of faith in order for us to walk in it.
- Jan 5, 2020Seeing With Eyes of Faith
Jan 5, 2020Seeing With Eyes of FaithSeries: General2 Kings 6:15-17; 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, 5:7; Genesis 21:10-17; Numbers 22:5-34; Joshua 6- We are never outnumbered as people of God. One plus God is the majority.- Seeing in the Spirit realm, changes your perspective and outlook.- We don't ever want to get to a place where we are just seeing the natural.- Prayer: "Lord, open my eyes that I may see."- When we see with eyes of faith, we see things that are not seen.- We don't need our eyes to see.- We need to see ourselves in the unseen.- When we pray according to God's will, He hears us and He responds.- Loud praying is not effective praying if it is not in the will of God.- When God open our eyes, we will see what is in the natural.- The provision has always been there, Hagar just did not see it.- When people tell you something opposed to the Word of God, they are cursing you.- If someone curses you, you don't have to worry about it.- We need to see so that we would know what God wants us to do.- See resources, people, possibilities.- God wants us to see His promises, but we need eyes of faith in order for us to walk in it.
- Jan 1, 2020Let God Be God
Jan 1, 2020Let God Be GodSeries: GeneralA Word for the New YearA Word to hold onto as we begin a New Year.
- Dec 29, 2019Get Ready!
Dec 29, 2019Get Ready!Series: GeneralA word for the New Year.Luke 14:25-33; 1 Corinthians 15:58; 1 John 5:1-5; Romans 8:37; Mark 10:27, 9:23- We have to prepare to succeed.- The excitement will go away if we don't count the cost.- Counting the cost is realizing that something has to change.- It's not just about starting the thing, it's about finishing it.- True disciples of Christ aren't those who start, bt finish. They're not starters, they're finishers.- We have to do something. Jesus is not going to JUST do for us.- Always abound in the work, whatever it may be.- We have to be fully persuaded.- God loves to do new things in our life. (We have to be as excited in June as in January).
- Dec 22, 2019Less Than Perfect Is Okay
Dec 22, 2019Less Than Perfect Is OkaySeries: GeneralLuke 2:1-7; John 1:4-5; Proverbs 14:4- If the birth of Jesus was not perfect, and should have been, why is it that we believe things in our life should be perfect?- Jesus was "thisclose" to being raised by a single mom.- We expect perfect when less than perfect is okay.- Jesus' life was the most influential on the earth.- We live in life, not lifetime.- A life worth living, comes with a mess.- Out of the mess, comes a blessing.- Jesus was born into a mess.- God's perfect love can allow us to overcome all the less than perfect things in our life.- The Hallmark card is not realistic.- If the very first Christmas wasn't perfect, we cannot expect our Christmas to be so. And even if it's not perfect, it's still good.- We can be better but we won't be perfect.- Less than perfect really is okay.
- Dec 15, 2019The Savior King
Dec 15, 2019The Savior KingSeries: GeneralLuke 2:11, 13-14- The birth of Jesus still matters.- Our lives matter. We were born to make a difference in someone else's life.- If we don't get what we ask for (especially at Christmas) we already received Jesus.- We forget what we received as Christmas gifts, but never forget the gift of Jesus.- Jesus Christ is born, needs to be in the center of it all.- If Jesus is not in the center of our life, our life is off-centered.- Love motivates us to give the gift.- If there is no love in our giving, the gift means nothing.- We already got everything. All else in our lives, the other stuff are just "extras."
- Dec 8, 2019Overcomer
Dec 8, 2019OvercomerSeries: General1 John 5:4-5; Luke 10:38-42; Philippians 2:12-16- Overcomers run towards the problem.- Overcomers are people who believe not people who debate, argue or scoff.- Overcoming and believing are linked.- There was a time when both Mary and Martha were sitting at Jesus' feet.- Martha was sitting at the feet of Jesus but something pulled her away. She became distracted.- Distractions are not necessarily evil, but they can be damaging if they pull you away from God.- The only way we can overcome our problems, is to believe.- We have to stay our minds on Jesus.- It's up to each one of us to work out our own salvation.- We all have a choice to make, to believe God or not.- The one who stays in peace, is the one who is not troubled or anxious by many things.
- Nov 17, 2019You’ll Get Through It
Nov 17, 2019You’ll Get Through ItSeries: GeneralActs 27:13-26- Paul was in prison for two years for false accusations.- Two years those who hated Paul, wanted to kill him after vowing not to eat until it was done.- Paul appealed to Caesar to be free.- The storm went on for days. They could not see sun, light, starts, all it did was rain. And it go so bad they did not want to eat and lost all hope.- We will get through our storm.- No one escapes a storm.- Sometimes the storms that come in our life are because of the decisions we made.- Some of the things we try to get rid of we think will stop the storm, but "things" did not start the storm.- Day after day of not seeing any light, the men lost all hope. We will never get out of the storm.- Sometimes the storms strip us of all life.- There comes a time when we have to face the consequences of our decisions.- We have to own our decisions, if we don't own today's bad decisions, we will keep making them tomorrow.- Sometimes we have to come face to face with our bad decisions.- God answers our prayer. He doesn't cancel the storm, but He promises that we will get through it.- The storm will not kill us is the greater revelation.- We will lose something in the storm as a result of our decisions.- You will get through the storm, but you will also suffer loss.-When you suffer shipwreck, you need to watch where you are walking.- When God promises you will get through the storm, that is an act of mercy.- God can and will rebuild your ship after the storm, because He has need that you go somewhere else.- Sometimes our storms are the result of someone else's decision making. Sometimes the result of our connections.- God is not promising that storm will not come, His promise is that you will get through it.
- Nov 10, 2019Arise, Take Up Thy Bed and Walk
Nov 10, 2019Arise, Take Up Thy Bed and WalkSeries: General(Mark 2:1-12, John 5:5-8, Acts 3:1-10, Luke 7:11-16)- Our beds can go from a place of comfort to a place of debilitation.- When we are operating in faith, faith can be seen.- There is only one answer to the question, do you want to be made well? YES.- God needs us on the battlefield, not in the infirmary.
- Nov 3, 2019Make Me A Cake First
Nov 3, 2019Make Me A Cake FirstSeries: General(1 Kings 17:8-16;16:30,34)- We have to be careful of what we show people (especially as leaders).- King Ahab infected other people's beliefs by disbelieving God.- A lot of us have been to Zarephath (ambush of the mouth).- Once we receive the Word of God we are in a position to be changed.- Just because we are in dire circumstances, doesn't excuse us from obeying the commandment of God on our life.- In the widow's dire circumstances she yet obeyed God.- She went from a place of not enough to a place of more than enough.- To get to a place of more than enough, you have to be generous with the little you have.- If we don't make cake, we won't get cake.- It's not up to us to determine who makes our cake, God does.- Cake making is well doing. Doing good things.
- Oct 27, 2019And You Said Yes
Oct 27, 2019And You Said YesSeries: General(Isaiah 30:15-18,1-3; Genesis 16:6)- The people took advice from everybody else, except the Word of God.- They were rebellious and because of that sorrow awaited them.- God wants us to return to Him and rest.- When things get hard, we tend to run instead of obeying.- We can run all we want, but we will still be God's child.- When we return and submit, we will be saved and delivered.- When we return and submit, there is some exalting coming our way.- God said in quietness He will restore.- The devil wants to distract us and make noise.- God will not speak in the midst of our fire.- The world is trying to create noise and chaos in our life. We need to hear from God. We need quietness to do so.- In confidence (absolute faith that He will not fail you) is where we need to be with God.- God did not call us to be a knower, He called us to be a believer.- We can believe without knowing.- The people said no, after God told them what to do, but we have been given the chance to say YES.