Isaiah 9:6-7; Psalm 68:19; Luke 4:5-8; Philippians 2:5-7; John 1:1-3,14,11-12
- Before things come to be, they are.
- The child that was born is the humanity of God. The Son given is His divinity.
- Whatever God has for us, is ours. We are the ones who give it away.
- A man (Adam) gave things away, a man (Jesus) had to be born to take it back.
- God gives power to those that receive,
- Jesus is given as a gift. But if we do not receive it, it doesn't matter.
- Dec 9, 2020Christmas Reflections
Dec 9, 2020Christmas ReflectionsSeries: Bible Study
Isaiah 9:6-7; Psalm 68:19; Luke 4:5-8; Philippians 2:5-7; John 1:1-3,14,11-12
- Before things come to be, they are.
- The child that was born is the humanity of God. The Son given is His divinity.
- Whatever God has for us, is ours. We are the ones who give it away.
- A man (Adam) gave things away, a man (Jesus) had to be born to take it back.
- God gives power to those that receive,
- Jesus is given as a gift. But if we do not receive it, it doesn't matter.
- Nov 25, 2020I Need A Blessing, Part 5 (The Blessing)
Nov 25, 2020I Need A Blessing, Part 5 (The Blessing)Series: Bible Study
Matthew 14:19-21; Mark 6:42; Luke 12:13-21; Psalm 91:16; John 10:10, 6:11-13; 2 Samuel 12:7-8
- Jesus takes what we give Him and multiplies it.
- If we hold onto what we have, we give God nothing to work with.
- People would rather hold on to what they have, than giving it to God.
- The way to get from less to more, is to give what you have.
- We need to learn to be rich toward God.
- God wants to do things in the earth, but He needs His people to get in line with
His plan.
- God wants to satisfy us.
- We need to set the bar of hope higher.
- God gives us as much as we want.
- Nov 18, 2020I Need A Blessing, Part 4 (The Surrender)
Nov 18, 2020I Need A Blessing, Part 4 (The Surrender)Series: Bible Study
Matthew 14:16-18; Psalm 116:12; Luke 6:38, Luke 5:1-7; Mark 6:38-39; Exodus 4:1-5
- We need to render unto God. Surrender what we have to Him.
- We can never get to the place of victory without surrendering.
-In order to hold onto something it requires a closed hand.
- A closed hand can't receive.
- The receiving position is the giving position.
- When we let go of stuff, God turns around and gives you more.
- Whatever you plant, you will get back.
- Whatever it is that we need, we need to surrender that to God.
- The key to receiving a blessing is letting go.
- God makes sure we sit on green grass.
- If we would simply let go of what we have, there will be no question that God is with us.
-It doesn't matter what we give to God, it only matters if it is surrendered.
- Nov 11, 2020I Need A Blessing, Part 3 (The Test)
Nov 11, 2020I Need A Blessing, Part 3 (The Test)Series: Bible Study
John 6:5-6,9 Jeremiah 29:11; Matthew 14:16-17; James 2:14-17; Luke 9:13; Mark 6:37-38
- God tests us knowing that He will do something for us. He already knows what He is going to do.
- Sometimes we mistake certainty for faith.
- Faith is active even when we don't know.
- The answer will not be found where we are, that's why Jesus says go.
- The go and see for us is in our heart.
- The disciples had to find the little boy with the fish. They had to go and see.
- In the hands of God, the things that we have found are more than enough.
- Nov 4, 2020I Need A Blessing, Part 2 (The Contrast)
Nov 4, 2020I Need A Blessing, Part 2 (The Contrast)Series: Bible Study
Luke 9:10-12; Proverbs 4:23; Romans 8:29; 1 John 2:6
- Jesus looked beyond His own needs and met the needs of the people. The disciples did the opposite.
- The disciples did not think of helping the people and did not even have the thought of asking Jesus.
- What action did we take in response to the need? Who did we do it for?
- We're not talking about the head, we're talking about the heart.
- We're talking about actions, and not intentions.
- Don't stop at the intention.
- We can help those in need, our loved ones and strangers.
- Undivided attention. Full attention on the task at hand.
- Multi-tasking is divided attention.
- If we are going to get to a place of compassion, we need to have undivided attention.
- The disciples walked with Jesus, yet still weren't walking like Him. We can do the same thing if our attention is divided.
- If we say we abide in Christ, then we need to walk like Him.
- Oct 28, 2020I Need A Blessing, Part 1 (The Example)
Oct 28, 2020I Need A Blessing, Part 1 (The Example)Series: Bible Study
Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:31-32, Luke 9:10-11
- Sometimes we get in the way and block the blessings in our life.
- Unforgiveness is a great blocking blesser.
- Doubt and unbelief is another blocking blesser.
- Jesus wanted to be alone. He was tired, he was sad, he was hungry and a huge crowd followed him.
- Sympathy keeps on going, compassion stops and helps.
- We are blessed when we imitate God.
- God looks at us with a heart of compassion and a heart of mercy.
- We think in terms of what works for us.
- Problems don't come at your convenience. They show up announced, uninvited.
- We now have the ability to ward people off.
- As long as we live off of convenience, we are going to miss operating with God's compassion.
- We can't do "me". We have to do "Jesus."
- We have to stay connected to God.
- Oct 21, 2020Peace
Oct 21, 2020PeaceSeries: Bible Study
John 14:27; Philippians 4:6-7; Proverbs 4:23; Colossians 3:15; Isaiah 9:6
- The peace of God that Jesus gives us is the quietness of spirit despite the circumstances.
- Peace is not about the absence of conflict.
- We don't have to pray for things to go away, the peace of Jesus takes it away.
- The world gives us things that it doesn't own. Jesus gives us the real thing. He doesn't give as the world gives.
- We have to receive the peace that Jesus gives us in order to have peace.
- There's a God of peace and the peace of God. The peace of God guards our hearts and mind.
- In the quietness of your spirit you are able to hear the voice of God.
- God gives you a peace that doesn't make any sense.
- We cannot guard our own hearts.
- We have to let peace rule our hearts and not focus on the problem.
- Oct 14, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 9) “Avoid Evil”
Oct 14, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 9) “Avoid Evil”Series: Bible Study
1 Thessalonians 5:22; 2 Timothy 2:22; 1 Corinthians 6:18, 10:12-14, 8:8-11,13; James 4:7
- Abstain from all appearances of evil.
- We need to avoid evil- what it looks like, leads to, and borders upon.
- God put in us the fight or flight. There are some things we need to flee from.
_ Sometimes we have to run from evil, in order to avoid it.
There are things, places, situations and even people we need to avoid.
- If we want to avoid being tested we need to stay away from the test center.
- Sometimes evil dresses in Gucci.
- We have to know that we need God.
- Oct 7, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 8) “Honor Your Leaders”
Oct 7, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 8) “Honor Your Leaders”Series: Bible Study
1Thessalonians 5:12-13; Deuteronomy 12:19 14:7; 18:1-5; Hebrews 13:7,17; 1 Timothy 5:17-18; Galatians 6:6; 1 Corinthians 9:4,7-13
- We need to honor, recognize and esteem our spiritual leaders.
- God views taking care of His Ministers as a life-long commitment.
- God is looking to the people of God to take care of the ministers of God.
- We should not give our leaders grief.
- We should endeavor to make our leader's life easier.
- Sep 30, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 7) “Don’t Seek Revenge”
Sep 30, 2020How God Wants Us To Live (Part 7) “Don’t Seek Revenge”Series: Bible Study
1 Thessalonians 5:15, Matthew 7:12, 5:43-45; Romans 12:14,17-21; Proverbs 20:22; 1 Peter 3:9-12
- There are too many Christians that live by the code, "I will treat you the way you treat me." And that code finds no support in The Bible.
- We don't treat people the way we want them to treat us, we treat them the way we want to be treated.
- People who are cruel in their attitude towards you, we are supposed to bless.
- We are to do things in a way that everyone can see that we are honorable.
- It is God's job to repay the wrong that has been done to us.
The eyes of the Lord watches over them who do right by people.
- If God turns His face against us there is nothing left for us to do,
- The way are treat others is not dependent upon how they treat us.